
Suicidal ideation is unfairly stigmatized. It is a coping mechanism, the mind, when overloaded with stress, passes the buck to the survival instinct while it works to bring you back to calm. It is more common than anyone seems to think and there is no shame in feeling that way. Very few people ever consider suicide

it's a bit more complicated than that. I'd say that embracing humanity, engaging with the world even when you just want to hide away, that is worthwhile. You can see my story elsewhere in the thread, but people will surprise you with the goodness they have.

I wish you didn't have these issues, I wish nobody had these issues, truly, but this is a human being we are talking to. Measuring misery dicks is pointless and childish. Everyone's pain is real to them, and whether or not someone else suffers more is irrelevant.

I would also suggest having levels taken on your antidepressants if you haven't already. I never responded to medication until I found out I metabolize certain drugs at triple the normal rate.

You've got a whole comment thread of people here who clearly don't hate you, and I could never hate someone who does such noble work.

If you are depressed, as some of your comments suggest, and if anyone else is reading this and is depressed, I want to say something.

HOW has no one pointed out that among these congressmen replying was noted kiddie-fiddler Mark Foley?!

No, these types of comments are why 95% of the gaming community just laughs and mocks Kotaku.

Lindy, I am totally taking the #NOTALLKINGS joke to hurl.

This is just a fantastic game. Hyper-literate and literary, beautiful, good music, and a beguiling story. I've often been surprised there aren't more games of the magical realism genre, it seems perfect for the format.

Yeah they've already said that Thanos will be in this movie in some capacity.

They were a threat, there's a difference. The Halo series has long lacked for a strong villain that could be both a direct threat and a worthy adversary of the Chief. He's an omni-competent supersoldier who even chews up the greatest Covenant troops with relative ease. The Didact did something important: He made

it is somewhat fascinating, I myself am obviously no stranger to homosexual affection, my mother and father both identify as lesbians, and I was oddly shocked to learn some years back that it was still strange to me when two men kissed. It makes sense, I hadn't ever really seen a man being kissed by anyone, as it

understandable. It is weird watching anyone kiss, honestly kiss that is. Not like when actors do it. My background is pretty different, probably the most different. I'm an atheist, DC native son of a lesbian woman and a transgendered man. And yeah, I've seen a lot more than most people and a lot earlier. The

Here's the secret Fedora to English translation of "Not All Men"

Same as the only place I've ever had sex: The Future.

Suddenly I'm not so broken up about being a 26 year old guy who still holds his virginity.

Oh man I really hope someone hires him and screams "MIC CHECK" into his dong.

For there to be a war on Easter, first someone, somewhere, would have to give a single shit about Easter one way or another.

I said this on twitter, so I'll say it again here: Shia LaBeouf has completed his transformation from a human being into an Onion article about himself.