

No silly, that's the "glass" cover to the focal range indicator. Or whatever it's called by people who know what it's called.

Wait, is failing on purpose still a fail? If you succeed at failing ... you're *head asplode*

It was in HS: Hillclimb Special. The only vehicle in the class. :) It put a pretty serious whoopin' on the mountain though.

My vote has to go to the BMW S54.

Funnily, I've found that the perfect combination for me is two products not listed in this review (other than a fleeting mention of audiogalaxy). I use Audiogalaxy to stream my music from my HTPC to my mobile devices. I've actually started using it instead of iTunes remote to play music at home because it has an

Hahaha well that changes everything now doesn't it.

Definitely a lot of win going on here.

Now playing

Hold the phone, what about the Typhoon, Tyco's crappy hovercraft? It rides across the land or water on a cushion of air! And into your cousin's ankles!

You beat me to it by 5 seconds! And YES!

Naw y'all it's gotta be the LUNCHBOX!!

I agree. I was thinking maybe they molded the phones out of some clay with a very low melting point and very smooth composition?

We are building a lego wall in the entrance hall to our house! :)

I only wish I could hear the guitar more and the actual track less so I could appreciate this HARDER!

I think this is on purpose, to force people to need more cabs for larger groups. More profit that way! Also I imagine that the majority of fares in NYC are just one person.

Dryer sheets are also toxic right? So none of this is a good idea?

Heart click!

I love MIT so much. I am an MIT fanboy.

I'm really annoyed by this stupid article. I can't believe you'd post this, especially with the wealth of photographers on this site.
