Magic Mushrooms

The lot of a Dead show is one of the most non judgmental, friendly bunches of people around. It's very similar with other bands such as the Dylan/Lesh show you mentioned. I imagine if you lost your keys or something, you could round up a group of complete strangers and they'd all help you find them.

You could try watching with a dose of me. Your sense of time may become skewed and very compartmentalized if that makes any sense. But when it's done, you'll think it went by too quick.

I couldn't have said it better myself my friend!

I approve of this!

I agree with you. Every now and then someone may have a bad trip while consuming too much of me while not in a good frame of mind in the lot and that may be what is contributing to drewogatory's assessment.
Overall I found the lots to be a great mind expanding experience.

I would suggest Burning Man if it was year round.

Despite all of the craziness in this universe, I'm glad that there is still enough "shit" to "hooray" to write about it on an internet forum.
Enjoy your comic drawing and bike riding my friend. Maybe you'll run into Cute Bartender in the future and take your relationship with her further!

I mean like even creatures like spiders who have only a handful of nerve cells compared to people exhibit play like behavior. I have to imagine that creatures on other worlds if they have any sorts of "intelligence" would evolve play like behavior as well! Totally trippy!

I'm freaking out Man!

I agree with my wholeheartedly and I appreciate you looking out for others.

I must have had a strong dose or it's extra freaky.
Around here, it can be two things though.

If I knew how to I would my sparkle pony friend. I just happened to be looking over this way.

Woooahhh Man!!! I'm freaking out!

Did someone say my name?

While your assertion is correct, I also represent a whole slew of solutions!

Thank you for not including me in this article!

I second this particular recommendation!

Your avatar is freaking me out man! It's like a portal to another dimension! This world is so crazy!

I like to say, to each their own!

Just please don't add heat. Heat destroys the effects. I think mixing V8 would be acceptable for those who would like to consume me as a beverage. Thank you for the ideas.