
Thats really not clear considering Caitlyn’s transition reality show, transition specials with Diane Sawyer, book about transition etc.and her makeup deal with Mac. If there was any way that she could make money off this I have no doubt that she would. Shes no better than the rest of them, she just doesn’t have as

Sometimes they’re given a theme or a colour like white or jewel tones or something but they all ( read: their stylists) choose their own outfits as far as I’m aware

I know its not her responsibility to vet guest stars and maybe its misogynistic of me to say but I’m disappointed in Tracee Ellis Ros. She has cache, she has a name, longevity etc. If fellow ABC star Constance Wu can speak out like a hero about Casey Affleck’s disgustingness,then I would hope to hear that Tracee Ellis

I appreciate your apology but please note that you decided it was 2 female posters that were in the wrong rather than checking if you were wrong, you really need to take some time maybe read about actual feminism and the struggle rather than just claiming to be a feminist

You really are a misogynist, you are making this all about how 2 female posters who disagreed with you are in the wrong

Please show the receipts, you can click on my username and look at my posts, never called for women only spaces, never called a transwoman a man, said they are transwomen and thats perfectly fine,

How on earth did you turn this into talking about bathrooms? I live in Europe, I have zero problem with unisex bathrooms, I never called for woman only spaces that transpeople couldn’t enter. In fact I have stated that I have zero problem sharing spaces with transpeople.

Intersex has nothing to do with trans and please

Bless your journey and keep up the good fight for recognition as a transwoman. It seems like transwomen get mansplained to just as much as women so don’t be surprised if 19B4 tells you you’re wrong or self hating or a trans misoginist.

Just because you don’t fall into someones idea of what a transwoman should be does

Do you think the government will excuse me if I make a mistake on my taxes if I pout and tell them I’m not good at maths because of my “lady brain”? I mean obviously I should have had a man do them!

I agree there aren’t perfect analogies and the haircut one was a little far fetched but I think it elucidated the point.

The main basis for gender is biological sex and I am not trying to deny that as a basis for determining anything but also it is not a constant that someone with the sex of female will have the gender

You’re either not reading what I’m saying or not understanding it. Gender is a social construct, sex is not. You can change gender you cannot change sex. Sex is a biological reality. Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs. Gender describes the

There have been multiple studies done to say that there is a large part related to emotional pain and loss of the limb

Are you seriously comparing being born without an optic nerve as the same as transgender people not having the same nerves in their brain as the gender they identify with. Firstly the optic nerve is not in the brain and I’ve never heard of a trans person saying that they’re trans because of missing nerves, secondly

But how many people with phantom limb are people who made the decision to voluntarily lose a limb? From what I understand its generally related to the trauma of an accident or illness where a limb was lost and generally there was no choice or agency involved. If people were having elective surgery to remove limbs it

Should say that I’m not a scientist just interested, so hopefully I’m not entirely off base. There are certain pathways in the brain in women that differ to men like how people can say that women are better multitaskers. Brains are extremely neuroplastic and theres speculation that its hormones and socialisation that

“the hypogastric nerve connects with the cervix and uterus”

Thats why I put “womans brain”in inverted commas. I don’t believe there is such a thing and I resent when people start telling me that transwomen and women have “womens brains”. I feel like when people say that they’re one step off telling me women aren’t good drivers and I parallel parked the hell out of my car

I’ll carry my own bags, thanks.

RE your sister no idea, never been pregnant

But you stated that the reason for wanting that change is purely because of the make up of someones brain not because of outward appearance you said: “But trans women are women because they have the same brain structure as you - skin doesn’t matter, it’s what’s inside that does.”

Its fine if someone wants to

Ok, lets leave aside the peer reviewed study, since you’ve got some anecdotes, despite the fact that the study allowed for these socioeconomic differences.

No comment on the fact that a “womens brain” contains nerves that a transwomans brain does not or the fact that the study you cite which you claim says that

But how could you relate to a woman better by simply changing your sex, you would still have what you describe as a mans brain? If its all about the brain then someone without a “womans brain” would not be able to be a woman. If its about feelings then acknowledge that but the two are not the same.

Also a “womans