Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

9/11 made them reschedule week 2. Erroneously said Week 1 above. That and the bumping up to 32 teams makes every Superbowl from now on in February. 

Right...but that is NOT THE REASON FOR THE SUPERBOWL BEING IN FEBRUARY WHICH IS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT. 1999: Jan 31, 2000: Jan 30, 2001 Jan 28, 2002 (post 9/11): February 3rd
2003 was Jan 26, they tried to correct it but that didn’t work. Since then it has been Firmly in February. 

But that’s ok, reading is hard.

Dayum, your dogs are FREAKY.

I like it. 

I’ve had this thought for a while now to answers like this regarding travel:
It’s not that bad. Full disclosure, I’ve only been on two get-on-a-plane trips in my 31 years, but I do not remember them being difficult past the dealing with humans stage.
First trip - group excursion to Italy. I was in 8th grade. Granted, I

Oh no! Someone expressed the want to escape from life’s responsibilities. Something no one else has ever felt before, EVER. 

He needed something to keep the shakes off.

Yep the ol’ “One Of Us Was Obviously Married When We Got Together” wedding

“garlic grinder”

While I’m a purist and can’t get myself to do buy the jarred garlic on the regular, you are 100% correct.
Bought a jar once for a chili recipe. Was making like, 10 gallons for a competition, and broke down and bought it. I wasn’t going to chop 5 million heads of garlic. It was a god send. So much easier, plus I was

Yep. If there ever was a fake letter, “Kevin” “From” “Seattle” is one. 

I think you can blame 9/11 for that more than anything else.
If I remember correctly, 9/11 happened the Tuesday before the season was to start. Everyone got scared, so they pushed it back.
Add in the Bye Week (dumb) and we have an always February Superbowl, something the NFL does not want to change (more “months” of

The 3 finger way at all they are celebrating a 3 point

Like, there’s enough to be angry about, but let’s not make things up. 

I'll knock Gabe. It should be linked. Basic back linking like this is missing across Deadspin and it's sister sites. 

A Grand Big Mac. Now a double quarter pounder is a different story

Sorry, that's Lone Star Beer. Thankyouverymuch

First, name checks out.
Second, we’re still in the 2010s, so this works.
Third, calm down my dude, it’s only fake sports.

As, of course, is tradition

lol @ fake Skinner. 

Canada, my dude

While I agree with your sentiment in general, I do not think all of his instances were with consent.