Time for a Big Lebowski sequel. Just add Metcalf.
Time for a Big Lebowski sequel. Just add Metcalf.
... it’s hard to argue with clicking into Wu-Tang right as a geisha stabs a shogun in the neck. If he’d listened to the Clan he’d have known to protect it.
I noticed this post has no likes. Good.
The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.
This right here is the only answer. How did the Jalops get it so wrong this time.
I hear Luke likes fast German luxury... to me this seems like a job best suited for the Panamera that finally figured out how to get the back end looking acceptable.
Here in the modern world, we SET the limits at 80mph. One day the east coast may advance from the middle ages.
I was fully expecting a shot where like a branch suddenly fell off a tree, an eagle drops a fish out of the sky, a deer runs across the course and is chased and grabbed by an alligator, and lightning strikes the course after a freak microburst, and the ball misses them all just barely, and then stops just short of the…
Ed Pink builds the current generation of regular Singer Porsche engines. Cosworth did originally, but then Cosworth USA closed up their workshops and Singer had to find someone else... thus Ed Pink.
I did once, but that was for the Sex Cauldron. Got shut down years ago...
Maybe they should have called it a sex FARM. Spinal Tap made that sound pretty classy.
Restomoded or “reimagined” Porsches with crazy performance are all the rage, as long as you’re willing to shell out…
Likely in an attempt to distract from their trash racing and lack of passing, both the Russian Grand Prix and Monaco…
The 2019 Porsche Panamera Turbo Sport Turismo is a dream car in more ways than you might think. Of course it’s…
I hope the person riding this motorcycle never decides to play the lottery or go to Vegas or try a handful of…
Yes, but it’s Jay Leno. No matter how large and amazing his car collection is, he will remain Jay Leno.
I do. When I pull up behind one going too slowly in the left lane I have been knows to scream, “MACHT SCHNELL, FOLKSVAGEN!” My kids love it. Then they scream it at the dog.
See, that’s the thing. While the real answer is “parsh,” I do admit that people and entities should own the pronunciation to their own names. Volkswagen’s corporate overlords has determined they’re “Volks-wagon” in the United States, so there we go.
I don’t trust anyone from Northern California on matters of pronunciation.
Dryer sheets in the toilet paper tube for the exhale and a towel under the door are freshman year lessons.