
Strictly speaking they weren’t in combat they were keeping up foreign relations.

i can only imagine. i loved this and think it’s so important. i am truly sorry you had to read these tweets and then experience them all over again during this exercise. i wanted to hug you, too.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

i know. bless them for their reactions and apologies. part of me wishes the douchers who sent these tweets were the ones who would have to read them aloud to these women’s faces, but not sure if that’s even plausible, or safe, or if it would do any good.

I applaud these women for trying to do something to combat the insane blowback to women in sports journalism. I feel awful for the dudes who have to read these, since it almost makes them look like the losers who actually typed those things.

before you stereotype Bernie as a socialist, why don’t you do an ounce of research on his policies and what being a socialist actually means.

For the first time in my life, I realize now that if you rotate that image 180 degrees (so the F-14 is flying right side up), the painted names on the side are backwards. So they just flipped the filmed frame upside down rather than rotating it to creating this effect.

The ultra rich often grasp that if the poor and middle class have more money they will promptly give it to them.

In his defense, Bernie wants to tax the shit out him...Hence why you don’t see many billionaires saying they’re feeling the bern. lol It’s kinda weird to see a rich guy who doesn’t whine about about the possibility of higher taxes.

You’re right, the bald 65 year old with the pot belly is doing 55 in the right lane.

Since I’m commenting from somewhere where they’ll bury milage figures unless it’s over 45mpg, yes 23 is gas-guzzling! Just not “must own personal oil-well” levels of thirst…

I hear Bernie loves donuts

It’s certainly berning a lot of fuel.

Bern the tires right off of it.

So I guess everyone is getting a z06 now?

Gonna do some bernouts?

Negative. There was no triangular shaped bush at the end of a pond or mud bog.

Oh please. Maverick and Goose did this...but inverted. And they were in combat for crying out loud.

Excellent shot!

Saying one could spend $900 and throw together a deck that would “cost almost 10x as much” sounds a little over the top. Also, many cities and towns require a permit (including inspection) for a deck. I’m the proud owner of a “homemade” deck that came with my house. It's a horror show, and no one is allowed to walk on