
Why should he be fired? He has a different opinion than you, which neither makes him wrong or right, but different and that is why you hate him. That is no reason for being fired and the nonsense that it should be allowed in a country “proud” of their first amendment right is even more extreme than any opinion on LBGT

So I guess free speech doesn’t apply anymore?

I love liberal “tolerance” of another’s opinion. It’s soooooo shocking that some people think it’s weird that a person with a dick should be allowed in a ladies room. Because maybe, just maybe, a few problems could pop up. But in the face of “equality” for a whopping .02% of the population, what’s one or two little

His personal views are of no concern to me. Let him be who he is and keep his job, too. Moral outrage over shit looks ugly no matter who is wearing it.

People shouldn’t be fired for holding controversial or unpopular beliefs and that is especially true now adays where you can access anyone’s post history on numerous websites with the specific intent to drag them through the mud. This is the United States of America and you should not be fired for your thoughts and

Yes, 1000 times yes, a white person with an opinion? Fuck that! Die in a fire all you white people with opinions. I can’t stand it. The oppressors and their opinions. They just keep going. Here’s a topic, here’s a white person with an opinion on it. Why do they think they get to express themselves? Twitter, Snapchat,

I’m sondamn sick of everybody (both sides) screaming about free speech all the goddamn time while clearly not understanding the first amendment at all. I had a guy on my crew (was a construction foreman) fuck up real bad one day, started to try to explain why what he did was wrong, he kept talking over me and arguing,

Fire him for his opinion?

Bruce Jenner didn’t do shit to deserve that award but dress like a woman on a reality tv show. There are real female athletes out there that deserved that award a lot more.

If trans are their own group of people then I demand everyone call me King of the World and that I get my own bathroom.

How tolerant of you. ;-) This is Firefox all over again. Everyone is entitled to their opinion unless they disagree with you.

They can fire him for whatever they want to, as long as it’s a reason that effects his performance and not just some righteous crusade by anyone who doesn’t agree with him

No, I’ve been informed the Connecticut is an at will state. I just think it’s silly to fire someone over some stupid facebook memes that can easily be avoided by not following the guy on facebook.

They can’t fire him, it would be a violation of the 1st Amendment.

Because the same people who thought putting Rush Limbaugh on MNF was a great idea are still running the place. I don’t doubt for a second that Schilling hasn’t been fired simply because ESPN brass agrees with him.

Fire him for what exactly? He’s not done anything but speak his mind on an issue.

If he asked to borrow toilet paper, I’d tell him to just use a sock.

Are we sure that isn’t the invisible hand of the free market?

No I don’t but I don’t live in a fucking fantasy world like you do and assume that I can always keep my opponent at a distance where he needs to over extend himself in order for me to strike.

ZombieShooter, you’re arguing with an imbecile.