
No worries, mate. Unlike others, I have no problem being called out on a mistake. I make them. Good show though. ;-)

Fox cancelling quality but struggling genre show is SOP anymore. The most blasphemous is SyFy, and their track record of cancelling high quality shows to make room for phony ghost hunting, reality, and cooking shows is preposterous. I am still beyond pissed about SGU and Eureka. Now I will give the benefit of the

I like your handle. I am a chronic insomniac, so that describes me perfectly.

Our earth rotates counter-clockwise. If you look at the rotation like a turning cylinder, a car at 6:00 pointed east (towards 5:00) counteracts the normal rotation when going forward.

I will say the same thing that I did when it was posted on one of the sister sites here:

I just bought a matte high-res MBP 15. Now normally I would be pissed to learn that a much nicer Pro is coming out right after I bought mine. But the idea of ditching Ethernet and optical drives makes me glad a got mine now. Yeah, you could get USB network dongles or optical drives. That sounds like a hassle to

I cannot describe how much I LOATHE working on vans. Worse if it's a diesel. Even more worse if it's a specialty van (ambulance, 4WD). I rarely turn away jobs, but anything worse than a LOF on a van gets a "Thank you, but f—k no." from me. Most of it was because we only had one lift that could pick up a van, and

That being said, the premise is laughably far fetched. They better have something to explain why neuro-electrical energy still works but chemical electricity does not. And the saviour of electricity on a USB jump drive? Talk about a paradox.

I'll check it out for 2 reasons: first they cancelled Awake (frakkers, but not totally unexpected), and second Billy Burke makes an awesome bad guy (Philip Stroh on The Closer) so it could be refreshing for him to be a sword wielding badass.

The manual is a bear to get used to. That car employed Honda's first-gen mechanical self-adjusting clutch. The clutch feel is one the hardest to get used to even if you are a seasoned three pedal driver. I have owned countless Honda/Acura cars. My only automatic is my 2000 TL. I had a line to buy one at a steal,

I always fantasized about making one of those tests and making all the answers one letter, like B. It would be awesome just to watch everyone lose their marbles.

Brabus SV12 S Biturbo Coupe.

"Why have one when you can build two at twice the price?"

While I relish the idea of turning into a Hulk/Wolverine hybrid, sadly I am just a busted up normal human. But, yeah, that would be sweet.

Agreed. It gives me the giggles every time. That and the rake axe picture.

I recently was told by my doctors that I was not allowed to undergo nuclear testing for a couple months, only a MRI if necessary. I had a large number of scans done by 2 different doctors at 2 different facilities for 2 different concerns. One was for my heart (nuclear stress test) and the other was for my spine

Personal experience dictates my need to throw this one in. I got pulled over 3 times in the same location for giving the middle finger at the toll plaza. On a stretch of I-95 the toll doubled from $3 to $6 on a 10 mile stretch. I decided to "express my frustration" with the toll increase. Since I have EZ-Pass I

My father has a cherry 1978 Corvette with a 4 speed manual. The car is all original with only 20K on the clock. Back in 1999, I took it to prom with my girlfriend (now wife). It looks awesome but is a slug even with the manual. A couple of years ago I was giving him a hard time about how cars from that time were

I am a Master Technician for both Acura and Honda. The driving conditions set forth by the engineers for determining fuel economy are extensive but surprisingly close to real world conditions. I dealt with fuel economy concerns a few times with customers. You would be surprised how many owners did not know about

As one of the riders who was almost killed by a driver, I am split (no pun intended) on this issue. I can see the benefit of lane splitting, but the risks far outweigh it. Given that our cars continue to swell in size lane splitting becomes more akin to threading a needle. It also does not help that automotive