
This reminds me of a stunt I pulled when I was growing up. My sister makes sure I never forget it. When I was 8, I fashioned a small radio transmitter into my Easter basket before my parents filled it up. I then used the transmitter as a homing device to find my hidden basket.

Just the feature itself is driving me crazy. I was exposed to the feature earlier this year when I visited my in-laws. Over the years with my DVR, I have learned certain things about how commercials and other adverts are inserted into our programming. It has gotten to the point where I can anticipate the point

Alright, that is complete bullshit. This is seriously volatile fuel for the whole Net Neutrality debate. If I had Cablevision, I would launch a wicked EECB for this. Hell, I will probably do it anyways. This pissing match is getting too ridiculous. Do the brass at News Corp need the extra money for the paint on

Sweet Baby Jeebus! I must have this in my garage.

At only 20 or so light years, the Deadalus could reach it in only a few minutes. Call the Air Force, have them stop over there, and put an end to all this speculation.

All manufacturers have this as a method of engineering diagnostics. I have used these on Honda and Acura vehicles for complicated problems. Many of the units on a car that have their own controller and diagnostic codes will have a method of advanced diagnostics. One can use these to see real time data without the

I have been reading how critics are trashing this movie because of plot points. Seriously? This is a shoot-em-up fun movie. Screw them. My wife and I are going to see this and enjoy it.

Well that is a letdown. I was hoping the iPad was gonna get a CDMA cellular radio. This is just a bundle package. I have a Virgin Mobile MiFi and I was gonna use that with my iPad.

So THAT is where the Destiny is.

@RtFusion: Hey, some of the members of the senior staff of the Enterprise needed to be clarified.

Regardless of what kind of hybrid it is, one thing is certain: marketing FAIL.

Not to be confused with a quantum filament.

As a former resident of the "rural corner of West Virginia" where Brad Pitt was spotted, just the fact he was there and the casting call that was put out says it all. I have friends and family who were not lucky enough to get out. They have been discussing all the details of the production. And as far as the

@Benny Gesserit: Whew. Thanks for the advice. I was starting to get worried. :)

@greyfish7: I was just starting to write that, but you beat me to it. Kudos. ;)-

As a married heterosexual man, even I think Captain Jack is very attractive. If I was to go gay, I would for him.

Let's see. I am going with a Borg cube or a Ha'tak mothership.

Maybe it was discussed in the previous article, but a repeater worked very well for me. My wife and I are in a government-leased two story house and our Wii cannot seem to tune in to my Airport upstairs. My solution was to snag a WRT54G from Newegg and set it up as a repeater. Since I did that, my home network is

I am reviewing this show for a particular SF&F website. The sad thing is that on Mondays, this show feels like a chore. The pilot was great, and the second ep was okay, but this week's ep jumped the shark. When a show jumps said shark at the third episode, bad things are abound.