
by making us pay for something we should be able to do ourselves is state of the art service??

ooooh, google's gonna apple for copying their fragmentation model!

like how current tablets that can run the most recent version of android but don't due to mfg's not pumping out updates?

even so, the features that they're previewing look very promising! i can't wait for the win 8 tablets to come out.

i didn't either, until i ended up having a baby and doing a lot more traveling. with the baby i couldn't spend much time upstairs and keep an eye on her. traveling makes it hard to carry a gaming rig around if it isn't made to be portable.

i'd made a guess that the price is gonna be with 2yr contract.

how is this data private if you're broadcasting this in to public space?

i'm surprized that they're not filtering out the warez. do a search for laputa and you'll see they're illegally distributing books still under copyright.