Why even try doing a Hans Zimmer? No matter how hard they try, it will always sound worse than the original (which it clearly does).
Why even try doing a Hans Zimmer? No matter how hard they try, it will always sound worse than the original (which it clearly does).
I really really... REALLY try my best to like this, i really do. But im just constantly dragged out of the game because of the bad character animation and graphics. I know its a limitation in the hardware for the console gamers but its just not my taste.
It is a hard line. Suddently you end up with 1.000.000 random wow raid videos on your service.
Vice City have a special place in my heart. It would be awesome no matter what..
Yup, they are all monster hunters ^^
Well, then why don't you go buy a 46" 3D tv then?
and "Burning Man" is?
I noticed 2 items that was not to be found at the exhibition.
Ahh a video.
Im not sure if you can qualify "old maps, with new modes" (as in BF:BC2 as the same kind of "DLC" but free is always better than paid.)
Hehe, 60% reused content.
Its fresh, its a ID game, and its available on Steam (that last one seem to have become a selling point now a days)! With all the great games coming out in the last quarter of this year i guess there is no presents for my family.
What BF 3 needs is Steam!
Hope we see a more rapid release schedule from popcap now when they got a money bag in the back.
Erhmmm yea.. 75% of the entire PC market could be considered "guaranteed sales" i assume.
I just love the sentence "Chick with a d*ck"
I love viewcounts ^^
stopped the video half way through...
I do agree with some of the rant but i think its importaint to maybe rant @ yourself before you rant at others. Things like shamed imageviewer and "early 2000 WAB -ish" mobile versions etc are still quite fail after the new layout. I wouldnt call it Failmodo but... needs some work.