Their idea of PC gamers accepting buying console ports, or games that have been on the console for 1 year prior to the PC release is what is causing them to fail.
Their idea of PC gamers accepting buying console ports, or games that have been on the console for 1 year prior to the PC release is what is causing them to fail.
Haha that is more than Unreal Tournament 3. Right in ya face Epic!
I took one, and i don't even have the game... Muhahah!
Lets hope for 3 things.
"Yet our greed will always overshadow how we treat anyone"
Quote of the "gaming-year" (sofar)
Activision actually found a awsome way to keep their employees bound to them like a dog in a chain, or like you to your phone company.
Amazing that people paid 15$ for these 3 new maps in the first place.
The whole "leaked" viral marketing thing is getting old...
@SwimOdin: dude... its only 3 maps... 2 of them are 100% (completely) copies of MW1 maps.
Imagine if IDSoftware had patented First person Shooters.
Imagine if the Xbox360 had Blu-Ray..
Pong, Pacman and Tetris is possibly all it can handle.
I LOVE the original game and def. think they should make a sequel with more GUN!
Activision: Colorblind DLC (Let you set a diffrent color for your and the enemy team) - 15.00$ (15$ per color change)
Well here it is all about blaming apple. They have a closed platform, the games cannot be share across devices and there is no "re-go" of your titles.