
Kitty Pryde, to a lesser extent Jean Grey/Phoenix & the pre-cartoon X-MEN were left out. The very foundation of so much of Whedon's work.

I was thinking that maybe Debbie Reynolds would step in for Carrie as General Leia for Star Wars 9 in the notorious style of Joan Crawford & her daughter Christina. Even that joke is soured by 2016.

He is guilty of doing the extra super creepy thing of dating then marrying his almost wife's adopted daughter. That ticks so many boxes

A big fat meh. The music was never made to incorporate random pops & fizzy sounds. Interesting & complex as they can be the artist created the recording with occasional complete silence in mind, not with the inconsistencies of vinyl. All record nerd idiosyncrasies or hipster bullshit

I honestly don't think it'll be terrible but it was probably tweaked within an inch of it's life to maximize the audience; humor, drama, family, family drama, action sequences…

It's as if schizophrenia were a TV show except not fun like a David Lynch movie. The inner dialog of Anime on crack spoken aloud. It is a terrible show & it's continued existence fucks with the space time continuum. It is responsible for Trump. Kill it with fire before it is too late.

Bertolucci joins the Woody Allen & Roman Polanski club. At least Allen & Polanski didn't film it & pass it off as art

Glad to see them, even in a compromised state. But they haven't had a good record in years. Hope it doesn't suck.

If you are involved with something within a mile of Matt Layer it is not long before you are the puppet show that opens for Spinal Tap.

Even Tina Fey can be completely wrong.

Dude. If it goes to the theatre it's going to bomb. Big time. If the fucking Muppets couldn't do it I'm not sure who Benji thinks s/he is that s/he can.

"When KISS got started? When Nirvana got started..?" Feldman has been at this music thing since the 1990s. More like when failure got started. Because it always success in doing the one thing it's ever been good at.

Oh joy

Sure. It just wasn't as well regarded for being clever

Perfect Strangers as Luke & Iron Fist is better

It will probably be another decade before the show is looked back on and appreciated like "Arrested Development" was before it was crashed into a ditch on Netflix. It sounds ridiculous but I think it's true. Mark my words

I don't think anyone has come right out & said it but Fuck Jimmy Fallon. Fuck him in his goat ass

It just goes to show throwing crap at a wall for 15-20 years then returning to what always worked is the best business model.

As far as the headline is concerned that's why I watch Agents of SHIELD.

That is a whole lot of unlikable people in one place.