May I point you to my personal experience with Simca 1000s, to read on Kinja of all places !—the-simca-1000-141437194
May I point you to my personal experience with Simca 1000s, to read on Kinja of all places !—the-simca-1000-141437194
You are totally right, but being level headed isn’t gonna fly, pick a side, Reclining Monster or Seat punching baby man, while the airline share holders laugh at us, the unwashed mass.
Holy Elon ! Don’t mention the Musktato Famine !
And call the new colony Marstralia. Being half Irish, I guess I’ll be sent there !!
Living in France, I was surprised to see a nickname I didn’t know for the 4cv. Damn, the English, again !
I don’t have much to claim for either, but I enjoy reading about all sorts of cars (shape age and color indifferent). I’m trying to keep a 300 000 Km Corolla verso from 2004 alive, David Tracy style !
Merci d’être arrivé avant moi, I came here to say the same thing. Its frightening nature had probably more to do with a sens of insecurity when driving it rather than the car itself being frightening to others.
Oh no, we don’t !
I just hope this Giga Factory does not suffer the Brandenburg Curse !
Isn’t it a little harsh for Cancer, its got feelings you know.
No, in French we say «Tôle ondulée», « Wiggly Tin » is quite close.
We had to wait for BTTF II to get a hint at a casino developer/sinker being President.
Yep, but you need landlords if you want to rent. If no one takes the risk of buying and letting flats, every non-owner would be homeless.
I understand what you mean, but #notalllandlords
Hi, French speaker here. There are no officially recognized neutral pronouns in French yet, but for non-binary identified persons, there is the the possibility of using neologism such as “Iel”, “Ille”, “yel” which are contraction of both the masculine and feminine pronouns “Il” and “Elle”. “Il” being the masculine…
Porn and sex helped jumpstart every new technology since, ever.
... I am the Walrus, by The Beatles :
So, who’s gonna play the part of Colin Powell, using the “proof” of Weapons Of Mass Destructions to justify attacking Iraq Iran !?
The story behind the Avantime is quite interesting, it involves treason and brutal business practices.