
Hi from France, land of Yellow Jacket and flying pavements. 

To me it is the same thing, either doing it on short distances on the flat, with a nice big rev, or controlled engine braking on a mountain road or downhill, and none does harm to your engine (my wife hates them loud revs, it’s a solitary pleasure).

It happened already with Hope Hicks this summer jumping from the White House to Fox this summer as communication director. 

Plus 1,000 stars for spotting it.

Oui, mais en se faisant défoncer à chaque fois dans les élections, ils finiront par vouloir se passer des élections.
(Yes, but being thrown out after each elections will make them want to get rid of elections all together).

Thank you for the correction.

One liter of diesel costs 1.45€ ($1,64) in France and 1 US Gallon is 3.78 liter this makes your French gallon of diesel $5.48. I made this graphic to have a better understanding. It is quite clear that the situation is the exact opposite when you breakdown the price (it is CC licensed and can be shared and re-used).

Hi from Europe where we don’t really know about automatics, unless you buy a higher end car.

Or he’ll be the next Secretary of Transportation. 

Such a singular movie, I always felt it should belong to the “Films to watch on your own” category, as if the mere presence of someone else could break the mood you describe.

Thank you very much, traffic sucks and ears needed some cleaning.

As a kid growing up France, going to the Musée des Arts et Métiers and seeing the Fardier de Cugnot, but also one of the first planes, ‘l’Éole” by Clément Ader, was always the best way to spend a day in Paris. Going there multiple times as a five years old gave me a deep loving of all things that go whizz, bang,

Just to give a French point of view, we are a developed nation and wholly embrace digital changes in society, but one thing we don’t use are electronic voting machines.

I don’t believe forgiveness is crucial, that’s what religion and moral teaches, but these rules were probably written by abusers for all we know   

Sorry, but I can’t help seeing this... Do I need medical advice ??

“Liberating it from other planetary atmospheres...” as shown in D. Jones documentary on H3 mining, Moon.

Well, as the local French guy (half Irish, mind you) she isn’t wearing the Phrygian cap, so this is not Marianne, sorry. But thank you for mentioning our sexy goddess of freedom and democracy. 

The message obviously is “get me out of there i’m a Secret Service Agent”, soon on screen near you.

The message obviously is “get me out of there i’m a Secret Service Agent”, soon on screen near you.

Fact checking is part of a healthy brain diet.