
Ok, thanks for the saved effort :)

Ok, let's try it again since you seem to be a bit slow:

Your cell phone tower ramblings are nonsense - as pointed out above.

"So the police kill the poor girl and put her car back on the property."

Your constant mention of cell phone tower activity is pointless - it was never brought up in trial by either party. Why? It's a rural area with very few (perhaps one) cell phone tower to service a massive area. Any data would be pointless since it wouldn't serve to pinpoint a location to any degree of specificity.

So because a jury finds someone guilty, that means that it's the absolute truth they committed the crime? Are you actually saying that an innocent person is never found guilty by a jury?

"… or this is the most incredible set-up in the history of the world, either by virtue of coincidence, or planning, starting at a point not thoroughly discussed by the documentary."

Completely untrue. It was made in a television statement by Manitowoc County Sheriff Petersen (we actually see the television broadcast where he says it), and then repeated to the judge by the lawyer.

Because I think it's much worse than just low IQ with him. He really seems to be mentally challenged; unable to even understand the basic concepts of crime and punishment.

Yes, it's pretty sad. I have a feeling that he has no clue as to what's actually going on - or to the ramifications of any of it. I contrast that to myself at age 16, when I was picked up and detained by cops in my small town because they believed my friend and I had been smoking pot, and we refused to say anything

"But then you've ascribed a logical behavioral framework to a man who lit the family cat on fire."

I'm almost finished with the series and I haven't seen one iota of credible evidence to suggest that Avery is guilty. What I have seen is gross misconduct, malfeasance, suspicious, and likely illegal activity by law enforcement and judicial officers in Manitowoc and Calumet County.

"You seem Iike an even sadder and more desperate person than I am."

Wow, I'll bet the prosecutor's "story" is slightly different. In this 10-year-in-the-making documentary, the entire law enforcement/judicial branches of government in both Manitowoc and Calumet County come across as incredibly inept and/or corrupt. I assume "The Innocent Killer" refers to Brendan - a mentally

Except he doesn't seem to have actually committed the crime. Instead, it appears to be the third time (the first two are fairly well-documented in the series) that officers from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department conspire to either convict or avoid exonerating the guy. I recommend watching the show.

It is definitely a frame job. Watch the doc.

It's a quote from a sleazebag "private investigator" that is shown, on tape. coercing false statements from a mentally-challenged kid. He (and the attorney that hired him) were dismissed by the judge for misconduct. Watch the doc.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, and you're spreading the worst kind of small-town misinformation and gossip. The "private investigator" you're talking about - Michael O'Kelly - and the lawyer he was working for, Len Kachinsky - were dismissed by the judge for misconduct in the case because they

You do understand that Simpson had a history of battering his ex-wife to within an inch of her life before she was found murdered, right? But the sum total of Avery's previous crimes involving violence were one incidence of cruelty to an animal and one time when he forced his cousin's car off the road?

Ok, phew… I was hoping it wasn't just me that thinks this kid should not have been allowed to talk to police without supervision.