
No, none of his statements to Daniel were definitive. He kept using the word "especially", such as, 'That would be hard to come back from - especially if you didn't do it."

I have no idea what you're talking about.

We saw Daniel waking up - we're supposed to believe he's having a dream within a dream? No, I don't believe the show would do that.

"I think if Trey planted the gun then, we would have seen him do it."

It's possible Trey and George raped Hanna, but didn't kill her (the mysterious Christopher did). But they truly believed Daniel did it, so they framed him. Since the DNA evidence got Daniel out (and implicates George and perhaps Trey), George committed suicide out of guilt - but Trey attempts to frame Daniel again to

He planted George's gun in the house/yard.

"I thought Daniel was basically understood to be innocent of Hannah's rape since his dna wasn't there."

I believe Season 4 has been confirmed as a 6-episode order.

"It looks like Trey is trying to set him off, get him to assault him again which would land Daniel in jail again."

"There's no suggestion that Daniel heard laughter down at the camp during his mushroom vision quest."

BTW, I love The Accountant - and if you haven't seen it, the first feature film McKinnon wrote and directed, Chrystal, is well worth a watch too. It has many parallels to Rectify - as you can see from the IMDB summary:

No one testified that Daniel killed Hanna - only that he raped her. The murder conviction was based solely on circumstantial evidence (I don't recall if they used Daniel's "confession" in court - possibly not since it was gotten under slightly dubious circumstances).

"…which would be a wise move either way if you haven't seen the other guy for awhile."

For those who haven't seen the pilot episode in a long time (or just want to refresh your memory), here is the entire conversation between George and Trey from the moment they meet at Hanna's murder scene until Trey walks off. A few minutes later, George kills himself:

"I think George knew that his testimony helped seal Daniel's fate."

"Even more so with a lousy six episodes per season, as Sun Dance/AMC once again lives up to their well-earned reputation for doing things on the cheap."

IIRC, George only testified to Daniel raping Hanna - nothing to do with the murder - and yes, it's obvious he lied about that (as well as had sex with Hanna himself).

Sure, I agree Trey's version certainly isn't the whole truth. I was basing my belief that at least some of the sex Hanna had was consensual on Daniel's vision of looking down at the "camp" where Hanna was, and hearing laughing and joking around. But it's completely possible that she was just having a laugh and then

It's good to know pretty Japanese women that can't act can continue to find work without a problem.

You think it's possible George knew who committed / witnessed the murder but forgot? I don't think anyone would forget such a thing, drugs or not. That's why I never really believed Daniel did it.