
I love how this show plants its seeds so masterfully, I go diving back into Marvel comics lore to parse out what the hell is going on, and they prey on that with misdirection for those who know their House of M, etc. WandaVision has got me so delightfully into Pepe Silvia conspiracy mode that I don’t know how I lived

Im sure they'll be devastated. 

Wanda’s head tilt. You don’t want to be on the wrong end of that head tilt.

I interpreted that look as, “Nurse? Why not doctor??

I think Monica flew into the “bubble” on a SWORD copter but once you enter the bubble you are automatically rejiggered to conform to the reality Wanda is creating - so the helicopter turns into a toy, Monica becomes one of the townspeople - although her training and/or recent induction allows her to remember the real

He was shown to be fast enough to get to Berlin from NY in Civil War.

Is it me or has superspeed not been part of Vision’s power set? Is Wanda conflating her two greatest losses: Pietro and Vision?

They’re also in Civil War, which is functionally an Avengers movie.

Great recap of an overall good, fun episode, but you failed to mention Mayfeld’s Office Space reference when he tried to rescue Mando from Hess:

Imperials with Southern accents wierd me out

My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.

I agree the “face scan not as a security measure to make sure you’re an imperial/who you say you are, but instead just to make sure you’re not an outlaw” is inherently dumb.

sonic depth charges FTW!

Line of the episode from Boba, “Let’s just say they’d recognize my face.”

Honestly, I’ve never been a fan of Joss Whedon. I’ve been rolling my eyes at his cult for ages, and it’s seemed for a while now like he’s likely gotten away with things that a less nerd-worshipped person would have been raked over the coals for long ago. I never got into Firefly, I may be one of the few people who

The Cult of Snyder is basically pop culture’s equivalent of QAnon (I wager there's quite an overlap too, considering how many of them see this as part of the so-called culture wars). It’s absurd the sort of shit they made up about what happened behind the scenes of Justice League, and even more absurd that now Ray

Look Whedon is a piece of shit and has done shitty things but I highly doubt this has anything to do with Ray Fisher’s accusations that he was abusive. Namely because they are either incredibly vague or are based on things he heard secondhand. Hell, Whedon is leaving the project on relatively good terms at least public

I hate to be the one to tell you this but all love ends in tragedy

A moving finale. Love the naked emotionalism and heart Flanagan brings to horror.

Theres a line at the end, where older Jamie talks about remembering people through the tiniest things, sometimes sad sometimes happy, that kinda broke me.  Its about the most relatable statement about loss I've heard in quite sometime.  I gonna heavily disagree, I feel they nailed the ending far better then Hill