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    I adored Fred on Angel, but her death gave us the amazing Illyria… What a wonderful character. Plus, that back half of that season was incredible! Not fade away is still my favorite series finale

    really, taking jabs at Agents of Shield? is this 2013? because its been great for some time now…

    i guess im in the minority, but i loved both equally…

    Angel, especially it's 5th and last season, was amazing

    Um, season 5 of Angel was amazing…

    of course some dumbass has to take a dig at Marvel. God forbid we can't enjoy both…

    Well that explains your previous comment

    Underwhelmed. Didn't suck though

    4 best of tv lists on this site, and not a Single mention of person of interest…what the what?

    Was person of interest disqualified or something? Because the second half of season4 came out this year. And it was great

    Another year, another Person of Interest omission

    You'd think person of interest would make the list considering the love this site gives it

    You guys snubbed person of interest last year. Please don't make that same mistake again…

    C plus? Are you insane?

    you must be fun at parties…

    sweet! And gwendoline being in both is even cooler…

    so all the good he has done doesnt matter?

    over firefly or buffy season 2? nope!

    Except excellent instead of okay like arrow

    I do hate you :)