Why do naive “progressive” libtard millennial SJWs like you think that Islam is so fucken kewl?
Why do naive “progressive” libtard millennial SJWs like you think that Islam is so fucken kewl?
Sinc when? The comment section yesterday was filled with proclamations that it was probably some right-wing white-guy with guns. You can read them.
I know some people in the coal business and while it may have been in decline, the Obama administration(for better or worse) pushed it off a cliff. So there are extended families and whole regions that have been decimated economically, who have lost high paying, blue collar jobs with good benefits that will never come…
Because Trump bothered to lie to them. hillary basicly told them, fuck off your not wall street I don’t give a crap about you.
Including, crucially, many of the people Democrats assume are their natural constituency, with black turnout (to pick an example) lower enough that it could have swung the election. The Detroit metro area, for example, had 16% lower turnout than in 2012. That’s enough to have potentially given her Michigan. Which I…
Clinton spent more time at Hamilton than she did in Wisconsin. To claim she couldn’t have done more is ludicrous.
Yeah. A lot has been made of the Obama coalition of young and minority voters (I fit in both those categories), but his win wasn’t by just getting voters in those demographics to turn out in large numbers and vote for him by overwhelming margins. He also held his own among white working-class voters in Pennsylvania,…
Marginalizing people who did not go to college is not going to help the Democratic party, either.
Boom! Roasted.
BTW since you don’t do research and you only concern is blaming whites for every problem a black person could have.
The original article, published by a website called “Raw Story”, contains quotations from exactly two people— Ricky Berry (the guy who had the police called on him) and Ricky Berry’s roommate. It also indirectly quotes from a “CVS representative”, presumably from their public relations department. Not interviewed: 1)…
In this case: Can you retrain a black person to not be racist against other blacks? Seriously asking for a friend.
Oh crap we fell for it. It took me a second to realize what happened here but now I got it.
They no longer carry shredded cheese, only blocks. Trying to make America grate again.
I love that everyone here is happy to jump on the racism card. The employees were also black...
Yes..... Looked around for 30-45 minutes in a CVS........ really believeable
As the employees are black, possibly “classist”. I don’t know what that particular community is like but I’ve worked in a convenience store in the suburbs. One of the local cops had to chastise an employee for complaining about a customer by reminding her, “Just because a person doesn’t look like they fit in in this…
wait, this might not have been racially motivated. i saw this story on reddit a few days ago, and there were quite a number of people who live in the area and had gone to that store frequently. they commented that they’ve only seen black employees working at that cvs and the neighborhood is pretty mixed.
Ummmmm....the store employees were black. You are just as sick as the idiot who created this click-bait. Thanks for passing judgement on an entire race of people...but you’re not racist, you can’t be...you are progressive.
Opps...the employees race seems to be missing from this click-bait. But yeah, racism everywhere. 2 of the 3 were black and the 3rd was also a minority. But again...yeah racism everywhere...the sky is falling, etc...misogyny and kkk and all that.