
And he was originally sentenced to SIX MONTHS IN PRISON... Where have we heard that number before??

That poor woman! Wouldnt it been ironic if right before Parker and his pals gang raped this women, that the Ku Klux Klan had broke down the door and rescued her?

These protest have become trite, boring and repetitive Wake Me up when someone ups the game, say self immolation or such

WOW ... I didnt realize that Baylor players were being forced against their wills to play football! Somebody should really look into that!!

“A porno perhaps..... “The monster cock of Florence”

U mad bro- your bitch got beat?


Lorac...... Its the new movie starring Cate Blancett. It eschews linear narrative form, instead unfolding as a series of flashbacks..... like Memento

Sam Ukwachu would disagree......

Shes a racist!! Someone should report her to the NAACP!!

Just say neigh.

You are woke,twh62593 mad woke

We lost the war but won the peace...... suckers!!

So there are no sports heros?

I like how all the ASSHOLES!!!! on this thread are attacking Phelps personally, like its his fault- he flew to San jose and wrote the headline. Eat a big bag of SHIT!! losers1

the horse looks like hes stoned

Old Lucy statue —— Garry Shandling in a dress

He should change his name to KenyO to avoid confusion. Also a nice call out to his latinx fans


They may of had slavery in their OVERSEAS colonies, but they had a very,very limited domestic black slaves population