Madge Smurtz

“Hey, there are good Christians on both sides.”

-D. Trump

Seems perfectly reasonable in Trump’s America that “good” Christians get mad at at another Christian for actually being a Good Christian.

I love her willingness to own her own bad behavior in her lyrics

Fiona Apple is so underrated. Her lyrics are perfection.

Perversion by Urban Decay. Worth every penny.

Urban Decay’s Perversion is my current favorite.

Yeah, I mean… She ain’t wrong. As a white dude, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a little bit racist from time to time. We all are. You either lie to yourself about it for your own benefit or admit that no one is perfect for everyone else’s benefit.

Goddamn this is so fucked up. Hellooooooo tone policing. Anyone got a recommendation for mascara? I have bought Loreal Voluminous for years but fuck this noise.

I hope she gets more gigs because of this. Man. “Be a face for diversity but don’t you dare fucking talk about it.” Hired for diversity, fired by them because of their racism. Wish I could find that unbelievable.

I grew up with parents who were for all intents and purposes divorced but lived together for financial reasons. And they constantly bad mouthed each other to me and my sister. Asking us to pick sides. Having a meal with one while the other is sitting in the living room or in their room unwelcome and feeling like

My daughter was 4 when her mother told me she had found somebody else and that we were over. We made custody arrangements that we stuck to as we waited out the mandatory 1 year separation, and neither one of us went the badmouthing route. Can’t speak for the ex, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to waste my time with

Jane is incorrect that there is nothing you can do about the badmouthing of you to your daughter. Some states codify protections against this specific behavior (there is a term for it in the family law world, which escapes me at the moment) because it is extremely harmful to kids. SPEAK UP. Make sure your attorney

Do not go. Do. Not. Go. DO NOT GO on this alleged vacation. This is all for your mom’s benefit. She is trying to rewrite history, a la ‘well it couldn’t have been so bad if you came on this vacation’. She’s at a point in her life where she realizes she is closer to the end than the beginning. This is her attempt to

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

A huge portion of porn is unabashedly misogynistic and often openly racist. It’s those elements that make it harmful.

Right?! This has been the theme of men making this suggestion since the dawn of time.

Most likely this.

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

I forgive her because she lived through sixteen years of her husband being lauded as a feminist god friend and champion paragon on virtue while he was actually screwing around on her. I would be pretty pissed off too.