Now you’re only spending one million and six bucks on these short-sighted megalomaniacs. I can’t wait for their second weddings!
Now you’re only spending one million and six bucks on these short-sighted megalomaniacs. I can’t wait for their second weddings!
No. That’s not how emotions and intellect work, it’s not a zero sum game. Especially not for children, least of all children who are already experiencing ongoing trauma. No no no.
I have two thoughts about that: 1. Then hopefully for the children who auditioned with the cookie, the process was less (I HATE to use the word triggering here but I can’t think of a better one right now) emotionally triggering. That doesn’t change what the filmmakers did on the whole, and 2. This really points to the…
That’s valid but I think the larger point is that it’s not about what these kids understand intellectually, it’s that they were impoverished children being intentionally emotionally exploited with a scenario that was more meaningful to them than Jolie can seem to wrap her mind around, or at least be accountable for.
Congrats, Brandon Boyd.
Doesn’t Oprah own like a $10 million share of Weight Watchers now? Don’t underestimate how much this is just about an investment for her.
I hope that limb breaks.
All of these responses are good ones, but your response to GRAMPS is EXACTLY SPOT ON. It IS sexual and the ONLY way to protect yourself is to call it out shamelessly. Fuck that creepy old creep!
Why do you think that you became such an icon for the LGBTQ community?
I think I’d be more upset if I got dumped by my live-in SO and then had stay in the same place with them.
It is absurdly common for people to not know they’re pregnant until the the very latest stages. Seriously. They even made a show about it. It’s not an intelligence thing.
Oh shiiiiiiiit! PLOT TWIST.
I mean...they were both married to other people when they got together so... And at the very least, Affleck was certainly with someone else when they got together. That is literally what an [extramarital] affair is.
Assuming this is her responding — in what universe does her affair with Afleck not constitute an affair? Girl, whet?