
Another thing that everyone seems to forget is that, believe it or not, the nolan films DID HAVE HUMOR...pretty dark humor at some points ("'s gone!"), but humor nonetheless...BB had plenty of humor between Alfred and Bruce ("you can borrow the rolls if you'd like, just bring it back with a full tank"); Dark

When something is shot on film, it can't really get more HD than that.

He turns to some people he thinks he can trust to help him rebuild: SHIELD veteran Isabel Hartley (Lucy Lawless), assassin Lance Hunter (Nick Blood), and Barbara Morse. He'll have to contend with HYDRA—including Daniel "The Kraken" Whitehall (Nick Blood)—but the rebuilding itself will take its toll on Coulson.

Am I the only one who thinks this is creepy?

Given the Footloose references in the movie, perhaps volume 2 contains "Holding Out For a Hero" or "Let's Hear it for the Boy?"

The one in the movie is the power gem. The colors are different, likely to throw off comic readers and keep them guessing.

James Gunn mentioned on his Twitter that it was intended to be the Power Stone.

Second day in a row they've made that mistake, unless I'm missing some inside joke.

They made that same mistake yesterday... haven't corrected it yet.

"Avengers: Age of Extinction"

4) Janet Van Dyne being PRESUMED dead, but revealed midway through the film to have been shrunk in the "tragic accident" years prior.

My guess is that Marvel will never reboot their core franchises, just as Disney will never reboot Star Wars. There's just too much value in the established universe to restart everything with an "Ultimate" version. But they will recast the leads, in the sense that new characters will inherit the identities of the

Can we talk about how Lucy Lawless has been cast on Agents of SHIELD?

What...the graphics are way too fucking good for ps1...

"Question: What kind of fire is best? Well, there are two schools of thought..."


Some art is talonted...

All I keep thinking is,"That's at least a couple hundred bucks worth of Lego bricks."

Clearly someone thought that Angelina Jolie would be a good star of this film at some point.

From the thumbnail I thought that was Noel Fielding.