
The best thing about Jim Sterenko (somehow even better than his stunning comics work) is that he once smacked Bob Kane right in the chops. Now, I don't normally endorse vigilante violence in real life, but, like the time Buzz Aldrin punched that moon landing denialist, Bob Kane is just one of those people who's got it

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Am I the only one who will pay money for a full-scale Suicide Squad series?

NewsRadio "Space." What if the show wasn't set in a news station but a space station? And what if it didn't deliver the news but the space news?

I was going to pick same show, more genre appropriate:

The Cane episode of "News Radio" was one of the funniest things I ever saw.

"Antidote" should be anecdote, guys.

Not in the least; I was pointing out how utterly self-defeating it is to stare down one's nose at others whilst missing the festering zit resting on that selfsame nose.

The radar scenes were the very best thing about the Daredevil movie. About the only thing that was dead on.

Mr. Wizard. I would hurry home from school to make sure I never missed a show. Back then (I suppose when attention spans were longer), he would devote an entire show to a single topic. He also did things that no one would ever dream of doing on a kid's science show today, like show you how to blow things up.

Many years ago, my sister had her laptop stolen and held hostage. She never did get it back, and being disabled meant she lived via her laptop.

But Lord of the Rings counters by having a much bigger genre impact, it's shaped fantasy stories for years. Star Wars recycled Buck Rodgers.

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Track: Battle Flag | Album: How To Operate With A Blown Mind | Artist: Lo Fidelity Allstars featuring Pigeonhed

My guess.... Its the April issue and its a joke page.

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I hope Gene Belcher provides the theme song.


I thought DMC played reeeeeally tight, actually. Very quick and smooth, good framerate, good encounter design... much better mechanically than their previous efforts. A shame the haters made it less successful than it could have been.