
I've always thought Thor was more analogous to Superman if only that he can fly and is an alien but what do I know...

Bioshock Infinite wasn't that good, so I'm trying really hard not to want to buy this, but I've got nothing but happy memories of my last time in Rapture—during Minerva's Den (developed by the guys who released the amazing Gone Home) and Bioshock 2. So... part of me's like YESYESYES

The chase happened earlier this summer, and the footage is taken from an undercover Hong Kong cop car and was recently uploaded by Next Media.

That is my favorite episode. I cry, every time. Don't ask me to explain it, just pass the tissues.

That's some old spice.


We are getting a freaking TROMA Marvel film.

I'm sorry, but I'm legitimately laughing pretty hard at the thought of Ryan Gosling as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

To be fair, Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen both took breaks from acting to do Star Wars movies.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ultron would still have a similar connection to the Avengers. (You could certainly swap Tony Stark for Hank Pym, or something similar...)

Obligatory "When are we getting a game about this Archer" post.