
There's nothing to suggest that Seth Rogen would be starring in the film, or in it at all, only doing the screenplay with his writing partner Evan Goldberg.

Thank Sony, not the vocal Internet. All the Internet kvetching in the world wouldn't have changed a thing if Sony wasn't presenting a viable alternative to the Xbox One.

Congrats to Tina for managing not to compare the game to Myst even once in this piece.

I believe you're referring to Peter Porker, aka Spider-Ham.

Saw the headline, assumed I'd find this in the comments or post it myself, good job.

I know it's a crazy long shot, but I'm a little surprised (only given some of the other crazy long shots) none of these made odds for Peter Serafinowicz...

Rule #1: The Doctor lies.

Paperbacks are aavailable used on amazon...probably where I'll find mine...

You know, it was only today in the comments section of the article about sci-fi novels that have held up well that I discovered National Lampoon's Doon exists. Now I must track down a copy.

The kid's got moves.

Ann-Hog's coming?

Never call a Luke "Lucas". We hate that.


After rewatching Lehtal Weapon 2, it occurs to me that a lot of the imagery (mostly the helicopter attack and the finale) in Iron Man 3 mirrors that film. The helicopters approaching Riggs' trailer/the mansion and their subsequent attack, Riggs pulling down the mansion on stilts looks a beta version of the mansion

someone already bitched about "could of" so I changed my post

+1 for Anchorman reference.

What's your impression of the overall experience with that app, especially compared to the Comixology app?

I thought YOU had class.

I understood that reference.

Looking for evidence that a Yeti...what?