
Nighthawks. Owen wrote as much in the text accompanying the pic.

Yeah, I found the trailer too, and I don't mean to complain too hard about this, but it would likely benefit the marketing of this game to have an original word/phrase as its title, especially in regards to internet searches.

This game looks cool from the little I've seen.

Zahn's Thrawn books and Kevin J. Anderson's Jedi Academy Trilogy are my suggestions to you. Although, I haven't read them in years, and I haven't read any other EU novels, they pick up right after RotJ, more or less, and are enjoyable reads for fans.

Phelps or McGrath?

Yes, I like this better.

Both ARE more or less "me too" shooters, Sony's response to Halo and Gears, but they're highly polished and very well executed. They are most certainly NOT generic. Both feature unique art design. There's no mistaking the industrial design present in the Killzone universe, and the same goes for the alternate 1950's

I was also immediately reminded of inFAMOUS' cut scene style. Wonder if it's intentional?

Elite Forces is nothing.

OH SHIT! I haven't watched Zero Punctuation in ages! Thanks.

I highly recommend picking up Hard Corps Uprising to anyone who loved Contra as a child. If you're on the fence, don't be.

"...since most people try to get as far away from Pittsburgh as possible..."

It is still the Tumbler.

I'd say "for the film" as opposed to "on the film", if that makes sense.

Filming starts the last week of July.

I am a Pittsburgh resident/native.

I don't understand your reply.

Guys, the Christian League had The Seedy Underbelly shut down. Now it's a Swallows.

Hollywood has a long tradition of bringing two similarly-themed movies to theaters at roughly the same time.

Did you catch that, Internet?