
How about a PA system, like cops have, that blares out of the front grill.

Maybe this is why Sarah Palin has gotten as far as she has.

@Apricot_Poodle: Yes, yes. You've given me hope. There's no way she would pass on an opportunity like that. Spencer wouldn't let her.

I can see the arguments already for this one. If you asked what someone thought of a Van Gogh at the turn of the century most people would probably call it crap.

Did an elephant paint any of them?

Wow, this is pretty telling (No. 15):

This is crap. I want to see her emotional scars.

I wonder how long it will be until the French start naming girls "She".

@lollilove: Hey, don't forget Jaclyn Smith's K-Mart line — marvelous!

@brettofamerica: No kidding about cutting out the letters; that's a dealbreaker for me. Try cutting out the centers of letters too (e.g. a, o, &). Nightmare.

She kind of looks like my avatar pic.

If she's going on a weekend bender, it doesn't sound like she's a

Maybe she saw parents allowing this on Mad Men and figured it was

@achilleselbow: Yeah, since when is marking your territory a crime?

I prefer this Bubbles.

@Ding-Dang: I was thinking the exact same thing. No way I'm losing this to music sharing.