
So, if I affectionately called Dr. Laura "cunt," would it be acceptable?

@drmrw: Beat me to it. I immediately thought of this too.

If anyone deserves to be called "fierce," this guy most certainly does.

@ArmandDangerous: No, no, no. He's "been in the business" for 28 years. What business he's talking about could very well be another story.

There's no way I'm the only one who thinks this looks like a wooden Death Star.

@jetRink: Agreed. Only thing missing is pointed ears.

I like how she says different "people that I know" instead of "who I know." Shows how she considers others as things, and not beings.

Ok, so let me get this straight, she's promoting safe "back-door" sex education?

This chick is such a fucking dingbat. It's annoying just to hear her speak, and some of the shit she says is just baffling.

Now playing

Ray Wise in Twin Peaks is another good one. Can't remember if he blatted in Fire Walk with Me though.

Tom Cruise would have been better mentioned in Born of the Fourth July. I'm not a huge fan, but that was an amazing performance.

I wonder if this would be considered "Western," or just immodest attire.

I wonder if they've blocked access to Mullet Junky. This is surely considered a bad influence.

Some of these complaints are just bitching and moaning. People should appreciate when others make an effort to be polite through pleasantries and courtesy. If they didn't make an effort to be polite, they'd be accused of being inconsiderate and rude.