made of wince

Enough with the slavish bootlicking. I won't miss the hyper-praising of "Hannibal." I really found this a disappointing series finale. I am sure that won't be a popular opinion, but I am beyond caring.

Damn right. I hate that.

I don't care what the Fannibals think (some of 'em get really pissy if you have a single bad thing to say). That wasn't a very nice thing to do to Chilton. He may have been a shmuck, but he was a likable shmuck. Sometimes I feel manipulated by the story, and sometimes it just isn't cool.
Richard Armitage is still

Yeah, he was the best looking dwarf by far. A lot of the dwarf makeup was so grotesque, but he got off easy.

By the way: I dearly hope Dolarhyde sends a letter that says, "Dear Hannibal, I'm a fannibal!"

Perfect episode. Now we're getting somewhere! No more flashbacks, a refreshing Richard Armitage (who could be Raul Esparza's brother—such a handsome fella sans dwarf make-up), and flashy FX that gave me a nightmare. This ought to get a better grade than A-.

I don't get this reviewr's "Hokay"—what the grown children want revealed about themselves is no one's business but theirs.

Actually, at this point, I'm convinced Will is some kind of sap—possibly even a chump!

Although surely not the burning wheelchair again. But yeah, doesn't look good for her.

Every week I said this!


Whoa! It never occurred to me. Mason you sick perv…

She will start eating things with a nervous system alright. (Allegedly, I mean what is in Taco Bell meat nowadays?)

I bet the finale will make the beginning of this season seem less cool, because it's gonna kick ass.

Can't do weird kaleidoscope stuff with 'em, can't do weird kaleidoscope stuff without 'em, amirite?

Hannibal: "I can never go home again."

That was pretty darn romantic. The hug after he got shot was even more so. But I don't think the relationship can recover anymore, which makes me sad. My feels! My poor, poor feels!

Wasn't that Zeljko Ivanek? I'm almost positive it was. (If so, the difference is completely enormous!)

I still haven't recovered from "spitters are quitters" yet. Eyew.

Well, I do NOW!