Made in Flacht

Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.

Why is it when Christians wear their religion on their sleeves, it’s bad. But, when others do it...

Lives somewhere where $1200/month only rents you a 1BR apartment, criticizes someone for paying that much to actually own a highly capable vehicle. Sounds legit.

Let’s not pretend supporting Hillary is a noble act here, buddy

One person standing up to a despotic army is worlds braver than holding hands to block rush hour traffic.

What YOU paid is irrelevant.
If a business gives you a quote, and a timeframe and strikes out on does that make Tolbert the dick?

Seems like you’re acting like my old man. Anyone who makes more money than you is always wrong, no matter what.

Yes, definitely.

Reducing pollution is always an honorable goal, and we have reduced pollution from most all fossil fuel-burning sources ca. 90-95% over the years. Eliminating that last few percent gets asymptotically more expensive, especially when the vast majority of the rest of the world has done nothing and plans to do nothing

There’s only one explanation: We’re getting dumber. We spend less time learning practical physics and more time reading about the hobbies of Olympic diving teams, and no one knows how to tie a bow line anymore.

Serious Question: how many readers does this guide apply to ?

no, your shit box is an eyesore, and your neighbors notice. You see the shitty oil drenched parking spots in auto parts stores that let you wrench in the lot? why the fuck would i want my driveway to be ruined like that.

If you live in a rural area, by all means, wrench on your lawn ornaments.

I didn’t know about Beijing but as for the other two, I think you could classify those incidents as terrorism directly targeting the Olympics. In Rio it just seems that the Olympics were so poorly prepared that people will die

LOL saying that America has the worst drivers just means you’ve never been outside of America.

The worst? you don’t get out much. Try Russia..
In the meantime, clearly this was a distracted driver blaming a game instead of himself. No need trying to fabricate a bs societal criticism of America (because texting and driving only happens here btw), saying that everything is an excuse? For blaming pokemon go for our

This is Jalopnik, not Gawker. Keep that political bias out of here.

Can you just maybe report on the news without putting a stupid slant on it? I get it, you guys don’t like the guy, but don’t let that get in the way of professional journalism. Otherwise you’re just a bunch of glorified bloggers.

Yep, I’d rather have a greedy asshole in office than an evil, corrupt and obviously above-the-law career politician.

Seconded. She's a bought politician. We need more of those?

they are, it really sucks that this garbage gets leaked into jalopnik