It must be because I turn 40 tomorrow but I was really hoping it was gonna be a Lionel Ritchie cover.
It must be because I turn 40 tomorrow but I was really hoping it was gonna be a Lionel Ritchie cover.
Although its accurate to say that there ain’t no party like a GI party, cause a GI party don’t stop. Gotta keep everything real clean y’all.
Any greasy snack sized bag of potato chips actually. Pretty much the best accelerant ever. Liquid accelerants burn off to fast.
You forgot fighting against environmental regulations, and cutting the budget of the FDA
But only some innocent life... Not you know anyone killed by societies easy access to guns or from police brutality, or through defunding environmental statutes, or even through actively working against the FDA and cutting the number of people who do food inspections
This is almost the least empathetic, most sociopathic thing I have ever read. Honestly there should be a basic empathy test for elected officials. Ben Carson you are the second worst and since Trumps bar is super super low thats not a good thing.
A major point of this story keeps getting missed too... The broadcasters asked fans to send in pictures of themselves as part of an on-screen promotion during the game. And then they mocked the girls who were doing that...
No law on the book to fine them, but they could just shut off their water for being a bad user. Nothing says they have to get municipal water.
There is no way this could have happened. Everyone who met the pope during his visit is on film, everyone who headed his way is on film. Hell I’d bet the babies conceived during his visit are on film being watched by a sad lonely priest in some cell while he whips his back with a scourge. Its such an attention getting…
I was in Rome in 1996 on a school trip to italy (latin class man). It was a whirlwind tour too with like 3 or 4 days in rome hitting everything and then the rest of the country. Thing is Rome was first and we were so in awe of everything. So we were chilling out on our second night there stunned by the fact that there…
I was in terror of getting my divorce, and while it was painful, in the long run it was so much better for my ex and I. It was better because we were not happy! I now have been with my soulmate for 3 years and have been happier in this marriage in the last 3 than I was in the 10 I was married to my ex. I don’t cry…
oh I know, I was just musing on some more permanent attachments and steepling my fingers. She did it best.
Staples? Super glue? Epoxy? Those would have been delicious.
It was true till 2004 when NYPD downsized. But We’re pretty much on Par NYPD has 34,450 officers 4500 Aux patrolmen, 2500 traffic enforcement and 5000 school safety agents. We have 42,000 Enlisted and Officers. Plus we’re downsizing like crazy...
Yes because alleged property theft should not immediately be followed up with actual homicde when we have a system designed to dispense justice and provide punishment for crimes. When I lived in Dutch harbor some 16 year old kids stole a million dollar plus front end loader and drove it into a lake they did jail time…
6 years of not making her mind up in college.
I did, ... I was very seriously involved with a gal who had a ton of student debt ... over 150K for her associates degree in design. What killed the relationship is that she wouldn’t take her certification test which would have meant she could get more per hour from the company she was working for. Add that and her…
You sure can but usually your too dead to take the bag off and tie it up somewhere like the jp is claiming. So yeah straight up murder. I can't even put regular trash in those shitty can liners without them ripping.
MST3K says it better than I can...