Well thats ok, you can have some of our fall from up here in AK,... it started in August. :D
Well thats ok, you can have some of our fall from up here in AK,... it started in August. :D
First I'd say know your material forward and back, and practice till your comfortable. Train yourself to talk slowly, almost uncomfortably slowly as you will invariably speed up in front of group. Use a mirror. Practice in front of a friend or family.
Hold up Beetle Bailey.... I can challenge that "at a time when women in the military were at most a generals secretary" crack.
Sundays and for me its the religious connotations as well as the fact that the week is just beginning all over again. I hate the drudgery of modern life and the lack of accomplishment from week to week. Actually I guess I hate the arbitrary structure of time in general. Also the fact that it passes.
I hope this means you didn't take the flight. Because honestly if you don't have the confidence before you fly, I doubt you'll have it when you touch ground again. Seriously don't thrust yourself into this position. We need to feel safe in life, and if the relationship was stable you wouldnt be needing as much…
I can attest to that as my ex-wife who was an alcoholic verging on cirrosis was told that repeatedly by the Doctors.
Thighlights pretty much always includes the whole person in the picture and focuses on men or women pretty indiscriminately.
Batman is a freaking Mass Murderer thats how. He's hired tons of contractors over the years and used his money to cover up their mass grave.
Daylight saving time might actually do the opposite of its name and waste energy in addition to causing accidents and fatiguing workers and drivers as well as driving up the heart attack rate . And yes the second article does mention how accidents are reduced by DST, but... they are increased using standard time and…
Because nothing says less safe than actual Tiki Torches on the 4th of july like these poorly built molotov cocktails ....
Wow, after looking at a few of your posts its very clear that your a pretty jealous and bitter person who seems to be convinced of your own infallibility and impeccable taste. I think most people here (and on the rest of the internet as far as I can tell) are defending Day because she has the balls to create. Not…
If you (or the people you know) are unfamiliar with the media she puts out it doesn't mean that her work is suddenly invalidated. I know people who don't know who Tom Cruise is (scary but true), just because they don't know who he is it doesn't invalidate his career or his celebrity he still got a nice paycheck after…
Me too as Wunderground is the only accurate weather here in Kodiak.
Thats kind of funny because York did almost lose an eye in the movie.
Well too be fair to Mr. Clements this was a reprint from his website, and not written specifically for IO9 or Gawker media. Also they put a link to ARMA and his credentials in the author tag at the end of the article.
He does tell people why you know, in much greater detail somewhere else but he does. Take a look at [www.thearma.org] he's kind of the bigwig there.
No Battle Beyond the Stars!!! Heresy!
Wrecked you say? Thats a strong claim when despite being "wrecked" the Gulf Oil industry still managed to turn record profits!
You don't need them but a lot of beginners like to separate the trub from the beer to more closely mimic beer styles they are familiar with and remove potential off tastes that could develop.
Valid arguments. However bottles can be found on the cheep or free if your willing to do some cleaning. Stop by your local bar and ask them to save you a few empties for example or save up a few six packs worth of store bought beer bottles and skip the expensive bottle orders. Crown Bottle caps are like 6 bucks…