
and you asked them how they think insurance works right? Thats the point, you subsidize my medicine and I subsidize yours. The system should keeps costs down by spreading the load out.

T-who? ...Oh yeah the guy that hasnt had a line since Episode on season 2...

Im sad to see Mary Worth go, but after his performance the whole episode and his begging and pleading Im not that sad. I was sadder that special needs Karl was allowed to run free like the wind, and taunt zombies and the didnt even eat him.

Ever hear the old adage about arguing with a stone? yeah correcting Rush is like that. He structures his arguments in a way that requires complex explanations to the contrary which makes the arguer sound snobby. Rush's audience is generally made up of people who are secretly jealous of educated smart people and who

She didn't die, she had a massive cyst rupture and they had to take an ovary. The argument was that birth control would have save her ability to have children.

Can we stop calling this an apology because nowhere do I see actual regret that he harmed Ms. Fluke. If anything the title of this article should read Rush Limbaugh's offers Mansplainantion instead of apologizes. Saying anything other than Im sorry and I shouldn't have said that, it was wrong is mansplaining.

Or goes even more old fashioned and challenges him to pistols at dawn and curses him for a coward.

I keep seeing in this thread anger about how Rush doesn't get how Birth control works. Your anger is misplaced. Rush knows exactly how birth control works. He knows you don't need a new prescription every time you have sex. He knows for a large majority of oral contraception you must take it daily. But he also knows

Considering the english spellings have only been mostly consistant in the 20th and 21st centuries the language itself would have to agree with you. Taking points off for a common spelling is in a word ridiculous. Using (Sic) is such a waste of time in this age of spell check it breaks flow, hurts sentence

Well yes, but only because it looks like all the men have hip displasia.

1.) No it would not, in fact it sounds like an excellent hypothesis. Now, how can we test it?

;) I know ... I was trying to be ironically Nationalist, my spell check at home is set to British English. Mostly though I was trying to reemphasize a lesson I learned about citation and quoting last week in English class. You can bet I'll remember it now.

A tectonic shift shouldn't change either the mass or the gravity of the moon, and therefore it wouldn't have any real effect on the earth.

just put (sic) after the misspelling. Or [sic] if your going APA.

why? Do volcano's on earth affect the moon much?

Thats a fair cop, my experience has been through a whole bunch of people I know who are socially awkward because their parents chose to take them out of school because they had religious issues with school or else thought they were havens of wrongdoing equivalent to prison. I assure you they are truly nice people with

No, just no. I know lots of people who are home schooled and while many of them are nice people they all have issues from not being socialized. Many of them are traumatized by their lack of interaction with others and either insanely trusting or paranoid and ill informed. I really wish I could just deck Santorum in

With the exception of color (the victorians were much more colorful than we give them credit for) Victorian dress was much much more austere than the Frippery of the Regency or the elaborate ruffs and curls earlier eras. Sure they had some quirks but most of them were for women's fancy dress (bustles etc)

Im so sorry you had to go through that but glad you were able to get the screening you needed. This is in my opinion why people need as many medical options as they can get. Thank you for that anecdote it gives me more ammunition for the fight.