
But the point is that scientific study can have results that go far beyond the initial intent. We don't do science for the result, its not like the tech tree of a video game. We experiment with the universe and through experimenting learn more and more and that knowledge, or at least the method behind the knowledge

Perhaps grouse would be a more appropriate euphemism?

Because Jeff would be the Ultimate Cyclops, because chicks dig Scott in Leather.

and their horrible death whinnies!

The British actually did allow it back then. Which is why we had pretty well armed Militias to fight back cause we were you know, British.

Yeah ... um they violated us law too. Its called the Lacey act and its a century old US law that was amended to include plants in 2008. This article paints the raid in a somewhat different light. But essentially the point isn't just that Gibson violated another countries law, its that they broke a US law and

I respect you trying to insert a little decency back into life. Sometimes the cynical me remembers what that was like and cries a little.

Hey cool Im in the CG too... The link below does a nifty job explaining it. But basically it has to do with where the moon is in relation to the equator.

Yeah stop those bastards at the EPA from keeping us away from the mercury we love so much.... mmmmm ........sweet mercury.

Im Southern, and most Southerners I know dont give an owls hoot about being mocked like that to our faces. Now if Jezebel had said "bless her heart" and asked us to be nice to her cause she's one of "gods special children" then it'd be "on"

Polar Sea and Star are effectively done. We need new icebreakers.

Just FYI, dialog isn't a spelling error. Dialogue and Dialog are both correct spellings #OMGEnglishIsRuined.

Wow, just wow. So your opinion of proper english is based on a hugely narrow sliver of its history. And anyone who ventures outside that box is illiterate and a moron and not worthy of communicating with... that boggles the mind. English existed for how many hundreds of years before someone thought it was important

Communicating in a sarcastic biting way isn't really attempting to communicate with peers either, since you rarely have to talk down or up to a peer. Its also not appropriate for anyone trying to communicate higher levels of thought due to its ability to shut down communication.Still people do it quite often and

The english language is just fine. We dont need to run screaming into the hills just because change is scary.

Whatever he got his point across, your snobbishness notwithstanding. Your agreement with his point isn't really important. The point of language is the facilitation of communication. It is not and should not be a weapon to force people into a specific mode of thought or expression. So in the end he wins even if you do

The dedicated academy for the Marine Corps which falls under the Dept of the Navy is the Naval Academy,

Yep, OKC anyway. Its really flat and windy. Bricktown is fun. The Cowboy museum has some great early American Frontier paintings and sculpture (lots of Frederick Remingtons). Extreme weather shifts. Dunno its not too bad really.

I did too though almost all the songs in the hobbit are actually supposed to be musical songs... the Misty Mountains one in the beginning actually has a full dwarf orchestra playing with drums, tubas fiddles, oboes, a couple of clarinets and so on. The Goblin songs are full of onomatopoeia and the elf songs are

What if the one is your own child or your best friend? Or the 5 are immigrants and the one is a citizen? What if the 5 are male and the 1 female? Strangers or friends? In a real world complex situation it isn't always better to save more than fewer, always in every situation. Its complicated.