This is the essence of white male privilege here and as a white male it makes me ashamed.
This is the essence of white male privilege here and as a white male it makes me ashamed.
@Flackette Goes Retro: I feel like all political ads aired need to pass a fact check test. If they don't no dice, no requirement for equal air play and no TV Radio or print for you. Call it the Honesty in political speech law.
@Branden Kerr: or you could just ignore all posts from the app, its a setting you know.
@DepecheNode: But suggesting such a drug/alcohol awareness class ignores the point of the article in the first place. The girls weren't drinking themselves into the coma they were poisoned.
@MagsCO: Or a sane Dennis Rodman
@GingerVix: Im sure the people whos job it is to censor those things hate their jobs.....
@VanDessa: That makes me shudder so much.
@sarahbear: How the fuck would they even do that?
@smrosie: No, its just Mariah Cary. The Saudis are real uptight about her... :P
I really like Night Camera... it takes great pictures day or night and will wait till your steady... it also has a timer, accelerometer assist stabilizing, double exposure, rapid fire and will take pictures in anaglyph 3d .
"I always imagined the Star Wars sextology as a 3d extravaganza but was technically unable to do that when I started filming in the 70's. I think that this will be the definitive version and I will be finished with the series forever." 2010 George Lucas
@Steve Holt's Mother Part Deux: For what its worth I used to work at a call center where I fielded some incredibly rude and rage filled calls. It really messed me up until I was able to be ok with hanging up on them. I realize that this may not apply in your case (though I think it does) but calmly and firmly tell…
@mamabigdog: plus phone polling makes it easier to influence the question.
@BearDownCBears: No but Kang is...
Dont blame me, Im a socialist.
@Maddrjeffe: Im also a bit happy that people seem to be waking up about the importance of food lately, from Jamie Olivers food revolution to the cooking channel and food network to the rise of foodie culture. I just worry that its a little late, or that revolutions being what they are our children will be getting…
Ready made food killed cooking. Period. You can thank all those TV dinners, and cans of Dinty Moore Beef stew, and pre-made salads. I love to cook, I love to cook so much that when all my friends tell me I should be a chef I scoff at them and tell them that being a cook is so much more rewarding, but I digress. The…
@ekaterinaballerina: I have a friend in the military who was raped by her husband (who is in the same service) at gun point. Not only did the service say to her that it wasn't their problem but many people got in her face about how she was destroying his career. I kind of wish she had been able to get the legal…
@memphreblues: I think he's totally disgusting for suggesting that it was her fault, but I think using the term mansplain doesnt really help the debate either.
@Ghost in the Machine: Totally true, I cant count the number of idiotic things we were required to do in boot camp, but we were required to do them just the same. Some of it is designed to make you work together, some of it is designed to make you agressive and some of it is designed to break you down a little (so…