Most of her quotes were from the 7-Year Itch, where Marilyn is a commercial actress.
Most of her quotes were from the 7-Year Itch, where Marilyn is a commercial actress.
Dear God, I just realized that when you said it. He sounds like Hepburn being her bitchiest.
As soon as I realized Fillion's character was named a Gary, I had a feeling his time was short.
I really enjoyed it. I'm not a horror snob, either— loves me some Ashley Williams— but my true favorite horror is literary horror like Turn of the Screw/The Innocents and The Haunting of Hill House. I thought the bright and orderly house helped with the creeping dread. The rooms are lovely; the ghost is lovely— how…
This is the only episode of Cimarron Strip I remember, even though I watched it every Saturday afternoon when I was a kid. It was terrifying and I was shocked, shocked that for once the killer got away.
Lifetime movie type stuff, with more sex and violence. Pretty forgettable outside of Tennant having a blast being utterly despicable.
Hiddleston plays the femme fatale to a note, right down to the last-act change of heart and inevitable sacrifice.
Eh, Impossible Planet/Satan Pit seemed more like a direct rip-off of The First Evil from Buffy, down to the great big seal you probably shouldn't open and the possession because it was actually incorporeal. Even the "touch the evil language, absorb the evil language."