Just FYI, a portion of all key sales goes towards funding their eSports events and prize pools.
Just FYI, a portion of all key sales goes towards funding their eSports events and prize pools.
This old Dorkly Bits video seems relevant:
I didn’t make it up, dude. It’s a fact.
Read the report, it’s interesting. Essentially, the stick controls the ends of the elevator (tabs), and that worked correctly. The ends of the wings would move up/down as desired, so even a visual inspection wouldn’t have noticed anything. When the ends move up/down at speed, the air pushing past deflects the full…
From the summary “Also, on these airplane models, the control column is mechanically connected to and directly controls the elevator control tabs, not the elevators. During the taxi control check for the accident airplane, the elevator control tabs responded normally to control column input, even though the right…
One of the weird, unintended consequences of Title IX is that it basically flipped the proportions of women/men coaching women’s teams. Prior to Title IX, when these jobs were unattractive and paid very little, almost all women’s teams were coached by women. But Title IX brought more full time, better paid coaching…
Another game tried mixing rhythm with RPG, with (IMO) great success, called Before the Echo (formerly Sequence). The game was made by professional voice actor Jason Wishnov (the voice of Byakuya from Danganronpa), and as it turns out, he’s a hell of a writer.
It’s a terrible card if you have an even somewhat decent deck.
Your comment doesn’t really make sense to me.
Please don’t take this as my defending McQueary in any way, but do you know the percentage of people who will do nothing when they witness something like this? It’s pretty damn high. Basically everyone says “Oh yeah, I would stop it,” but in the moment your brain doesn’t work that way. I know this because I was…
This may give some additional perspective on that reason (though I’m not sure it has been non-existent):
You don’t know much about reading comprehension, do you?
Back in 2006, singer and actor Isaac Hayes abruptly quit South Park, where he had voiced the character Chef for a…
I’m no mathamagician, but the average of 112, 107.1 and 107 is not 111.
Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.
The Commissioner can’t be thrilled with these:
Let the record show that I am a 32 year old educated man with a wife and son and, until today, I thought there was an offshoot of the German language spoken in Austria called Austrian.
To be fair X-2 and XIII are games that get a lot of undeserved hate by the general internet.