
A shim? Any home improvement store sells a a bundle for $2 or $3. I agree with the folded paper technique. It's free and you can leave it there for the next guy.

Very nice. I still have the registry hack LifeHacker posted a while ago to bring up a dialog for Send To and Copy To posted a while ago here.

vote: Thunderbird

I can't wait to get Vista Plus! or Windows7 (whatever it's called.) Actually I am excited to give it a run. I suck at Torrents and could not find the 'pre-release'.

Shit! Looks like it's time to cut the cord and move to Opera or Chrome. I never could get into FireFox. I just want my browser to work. I don't want to waste time customizing it. I do love Thunderbird so nothing personal FireFox.

Whatever happened to the instant on PC? I thought solid state HDD were going to revolutionize the PC.

ObjectDock feels a bit better than RocketDock. Too bad many people see them as the same thing.

Damn you Lifehacker! I new it was too good to be true. Cake in a cup. What's next? Soup in a cup? Home-brewed beer in a cup? Wait, that's not a bad idea. Imagine barley and hops in little teabags. What a great way to start your day!

That looks pretty cool. I don't use alt+tab much unless I only have two apps open. I can see where it saves time by not having to click through the taskbar.

I like the nesting changes. If I changed one thing it would be to make the comment replies look a slightly different. Perhaps a different shade background. I don't want them all expanded by default. Then I have to read through all your goofy Mac vs Vista vs Linus debates. If a post looks interesting it only takes one

I like the idea of mid-day sex, but how about a power nap after the mid-day sex?

Windows 7. Is that the number of versions they will have?

I use the FileHippo Update Checker which automatically (or manually) will check for updates to many free and open source programs (e.g. CCleaner, FileZilla, etc.) You can even have it check for beta versions.

I have about a month to get ready for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I need to write about 1800 words a day to meet the 50,000 word goal and want my laptop running tip top.

Is there a simple player out there that can give me the basic song/album info and just play my songs randomly? I've tried Windows Media Player, Songbird, and iTunes and they feel like bloatware. I've defaulted to iTunes, but I don't like the install and very frequent updates.

I've gained more time by using a Google Reader to quickly scan my favorite sites and only check email a few times a day. I still visit Lifehacker, it's one of the few sites I have to visit a couple of times a day.

I used bottles similar to Nagalene until this year. I bought a Sigg bottle and I love it. They are a bit pricey, but work great and are very stylish. Mine is blue with a Japanese dragon on the side. I fill it with reverse osmosis water. I use my old BPA bottles in my shop to hold zip ties. They are the perfect size

I am still using the felt-lined box which came with my wallet to hold my pocket contents: wallet, basic Swiss Army knife, Gerber clip knife, keys, and a pill fob for my happy pills. Of course I wouldn't place it on my desk.