Not to me it doesn’t.
Not to me it doesn’t.
I’m over crochetty old white people talking shit about Beyoncé and Cam Newton this morning. Dear fellow white people:
I had better not see one damn person dressed as a “sexy” black panther next halloween...
okay Beyonce was amazing... but can we talk about Lady Gaga for a second? our national anthem is known among singers for being a bitch and a half, and girl NAILED it without breaking a sweat. I was seriously impressed.
Everyone PLEASE watch her show and make it a success. It would be horrible if a show that’s doing so many things right failed.
P R E A C H !
Of course most men can handle rejection. I would guess that the percentage who kill after being rejected is miniscule.
It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.
Will this never cease to be the truth??
In my head, she is the kind of person who would totally do that. I hope I'm right!
Whoaaaaaaaa, you’re right. I can’t unsee it.
They really styled Jennifer Lawrence to look like Kate Winslet here.
Second only to Annie’s “Tomorrow”.
Unimaginable circumstances. Tip of the hat to her unwavering professionalism.
seriously, what is going on under that table...
“Why is there no oversight?”
The GOP has been slashing budgets for virtually any kind of oversight anywhere and hence, there is virtually *no oversight* left.
The guilty people should have to defend themselves. Then it's so much easier to decide on the verdict - does he/she have a lawyer? Innocent! No lawyer? GUILTY. So simple.
cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk