Dinesh D’Souza called, he wants his lies back. At least he makes $$$ spreading filthy misinformation, you’re doing it for free.
Dinesh D’Souza called, he wants his lies back. At least he makes $$$ spreading filthy misinformation, you’re doing it for free.
Possibly the most tone deaf thing you’ve written on this site.
Feinstein and her class-ilk stole what this country could have been.
I can’t get with the “set back” argument. If one incident can set an entire community back, why can’t 7.100 reported hate crimes in 2018 move it forward? There are people who will never believe gay or minority victims of hate crimes no matter what. They are of no concern.
The Japanese internment is a metric used for an agenda too - didn’t stop them from getting reparations.
Useful reading for anyone coming here for post their supernova hot take on reparations. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/
Why do black Americans only get reparations?
Police departments don’t work with right-wing terrorist groups.
My platform for my 2020 campaign is now officially as follows:
The real story is “Why do her makeup and wardrobe people hate her so much?”
Personally, I’m fine with it-to a point. We need to decouple a persons worth to society from how they earn money.
Remember folk! Modern free markets (protected by the government, in quasi-monopolies, with no regulation) are the only thing that can get us out of this disaster of a global extinction.
Yvette doesn’t think that all Immigrants are out to screw over ADOS or that they are all super privileged. Her point is that ADOS are first and foremost American, yes we are lumped into a group of Immigrants that we’re not. There is no homeland for us to go back to. We deserve the rights allotted to American’s, she…
His story has nothing to do with African Americans, he is not one.
Just goes to show that the idea of meritocracy in the US is just a fantasy.
I am all for erring on the side of believing victims, but without having seen the film I have to say that both of these men have real credibility problems. I have no doubt that Michael Jackson had inappropriate relationships with children but I am not convinced there was sexual abuse. He was an easy target for…
You won’t find reason here. The pitchforks are out and now anyone that says anything is instantly believed. I am for believing the victim first but this witch hunt already happened decades ago and he was found innocent.
Like a bleached and distended honeydew
I always knew Trump was a cave man