
Too boring, unless most of the cast dies there is nothing to say.

They use Russell too much as a comic relief, ladies man and super thief. No polyamorous on CW Cara will just flit back and forth each week between the two of them. If I am wrong at the end of the season you can heckle me, but I dont think I am.

Ha ha yes! I would watch the shit out of a show of Marie Laveaus beauty parlor.

How can this end in 4 episodes? I think Marie Laveau is going to have to be on team witch real fast since she has no one left now in her voodoo house. Maybe she and Misty can start a new integrated coven of witches and voodoo queens.

Agreed, it has potential. I like the characters, but they need to keep the pace of the mid-season finale for this show to gain some avid followers.

I agree the pacing was better and really the supporting actors Astrid and Russell add so much fun to the scenes they are in. Since the show is moving to Mondays in March maybe this will be a wake up call to step up the plot in future episodes.

I just do not think the writers and/or producers of this show really like comics or superheroes.

Yes, it is better than Shield, but that whole Maldonado speech was pathetic. I can see a woman with her authority not answering Avery back in the jail, but then having her all excited due to the DA complimenting her was just Disney Channel ridiculous.

Well I am thinking Cordelia's husband might believe ESP witch is going to tip off the others about his deal with vodoo queen. If she hears his thoughts in the neighborhood she can tell Cordelia her husband wants to kill them all.

You get a million stars for this video! Forgot how much I love the FYC version. The words are so painfully true.

I do not think that red dress is a Felicity style. Sure she looked great,but she never shows cleavage. I have a theory that a sales person talked her into it so she went ahead bought and had to wear it because she couldnt return it.

I think I had that speak and spell!Your correct about phones. It was always a major deal and expensive to call family overseas. Now I can use my phone to access calls, email or twitter anytime I want.

Forgot yes, Farscape!

I would say Maggie, Carol and Michone in Walking Dead, Carter and Shaw, Person of Interest. All the clones Tatiana Maslany plays in Orphan Black and Kiera in Continuum. Basically if they are smart, well written parts I like them even if they make bad choices.

A million stars about Skye. She is so useless and a bad actor. I hate watch that show just wishing that Skye or Ward gets killed.

Skyler White was not poorly written. She was a flawed person who made mistakes. We put women to a higher standard that they cant make poor choices that male counter points can.

I think its lazy writing. They could have shown Kennex doubting his actions at the end of the show, but instead we got,"lets go to the cop bar!"

Agree with you completely. Woke up this morning and my first thought was how amazing last night was. Herschels' death was so upsetting yet perfect.