The last thing the NFL needs is more teams.
The last thing the NFL needs is more teams.
Yeah, language is inflexible and famously has never changed through usage. Any sociolinguist will tell you this.
The State of Israel is an oppressive, apartheid regime and the US should stop supporting it until it cleans up its shit.
Let me disagree and state that nothing will happen when a Dem takes office.
If Hoyer and Pelosi were actually concerned and upset, they would cancel the trip and refuse to fund any further foreign aid to Israel — or, at least, greatly reduce the amount of aid.
It just now Dawned on me what you did there.
I understand the keen insight Ms. Tanden is displaying here:
Pretty fucking ignorant to call all Muslims, the inventors of innumerable important mathematic equations and developers of all sorts of important advances in medicine, astronomy, and natural sciences, “anti-science." You clown.
Hell yes, was not expecting to find a pro-steal-shit-from-poor-homeless-people advocate in this comment section, but I love to be surprised. Big fan of just wrecking the shit of people who have so little after using them for photo ops.
Okay, smartass, if we don’t continue to hold the Olympics in major cities, where will we get our dystonian future high tech prisons/survival game show sets from? Checkmate, lib.
What dream? Buying a bunch of cars that you’re not driving and you’re probably not even looking at them much anymore because they’re all jammed together? I appreciate cars, but not when they’re just tossed in a shed and nothing is done with them. I’d rather have 10 cars in good running order that I can enjoy than 250…
Mercedes, 1939: “While we disagree with the Fuhrer’s racial rhetoric, we support him on other things, like the Autobahn. It’s possible to support someone without agreeing on all policies.”
Nate Silver does have the skills to do politicial analysis, which is precisely the issue. He chooses not to use them.
Didn’t make it to the last of three paragraphs, eh?
Hard for Trump and Joe to keep up with all of those cities, they blur together like the concert dates on a long road tour for a semi-senile band.
He can’t forgive her for losing the election. All his big plans were ruined.
This obsession with Hilary is the longest Trump has ever been faithful to one woman.
I suspect the real function of the driver is to clean up the barf and deter passengers from having sex in the cars.
You really have to be soulless to use your time running a union to jump to a private sector job working against the very institution you’re leaving. Not surprising though, as you learn more about his tenure.
Last night, spokesperson for Justice Democrats Waleed Shahid responded on Twitter to Claire McCaskill, a former Senator who lost her race in the Midwest, who said that “free stuff from the government does not play well in the Midwest.”