
You're in luck, I did a scientific experiment while I was jogging the other day. Each person I passed I gave a wide, genuine smile along with, "Good morning!" I received returning smiles in 12/13 cases. The holdout wasn't looking at me. So if you really do care to lift someone's mood, rather than be a bossy

It seems like you are willfully misunderstanding as well. You keep talking about de-escalating situations even after you've been told several times that those tactics do not work and being aggressive is the only thing that will make strange men leave us women alone quicker.

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Don't do it again.

Wait, so if someone intrudes on my life and start making demands about my face and mood, and I'm not polite to them, I'm the bitch? You're actually going around telling people to put on a perfomance so that you feel better, and you see yourself as some good hearted person for doing that? Wtf is wrong with you? It's

I take it you aren't a weed-smoking person? I'm not saying that you have to smoke weed to like this show, I'm just saying that the only people I've heard say they don't like it are those who def do not.

I just can not get into that show, but that is an EXCELLENT response and I will add it to my repertoire.

That's not an awful idea, I must admit, and I think its great when people adopt (especially older kids). I would worry I wouldn't be the best equipped to deal with any challenges an older adoptee might present though. Those kids deserve the world. :/

hahaha what? You are supposed to feel the clock in your late 20s? Damn! I was barely an adult in my late 20s. I can't imagine hearing the damn clock back then.

No one is saying having kids is a walk in the park for either gender in a heterosexual relationship, but come on. Men don't spend as much time as women thinking about the consequences of having a child because they don't have to. They don't mentally map out when is the right time to have kids to be successful in their

Serious question: Would it have mattered to hear about "responsibility" and "kindness." I don't think a kid should be made to feel weird about having special skills or attributes, but I have known some incredibly smug, stupid and self involved talented people. And I just wonder, if they had been raised to be grateful

Spinsters represent!

Romantic love is a lie, a delusion.

Uh, I will include it because my time and labor has an opportunity cost that should be respected. Do you know how long and hard I had to squeeze that charcoal briquette before I had a decent rock?

I did both and neither worked out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From what I understand, all these averages are skewed by ridiculously expensive weddings and the real average cost is far lower.

I'm sorry you're not very good at read comprehension

How do you know what would benefit other people's relationships? I know this is not your intent, but you are coming off kind of patronizing and that's what people are reacting to.

How can you use the term "superior" without realizing why people would take issue with how you are framing this? In what context has the word "superior" ever been an inclusive way to discuss other peoples life choices?

"Most" means you have taken some survey, which you haven't. "Many" is fine, but "most" comes across as judgmental.

I, on the other hand, I'm all for monogamy, I don't believe open relationships can work because of jealousy, insecurities which are fair common human emotions. But this article has really made me reconsider if they can work, as long as both people know what's going on, be honest with each other and realistic. This