
Oh yeah he sucks, totally did not deserve to be honored, in fact... I spit on his grave! Come on now.

Similar story here .My older brother was grounded once as a teenager when I was 3 or so. I thought my mom had buried him alive.

OMG! That reminds me of the day my dad told me my mom had been fired. — since I was maybe four year old, I thought she had literally been set ablaze. I was pretty sure I was supposed to feel sad that my mom was dead, but my dad didn't seem all that fazed, so I kept my festerign grief to myself. You can imagine my

Katie, Katie, Katie. You wanna tell jokes like that, get a burner and post on a Kinja blog like the rest of us.

There were 1500 comments on this week's post—there was no way to go through all of them. In the previous weeks I have read them all, and I do not automatically choose the most starred. This week's selection does not reflect the most starred or most replied-to, either.

I am one of those assholes who hates it—H A T E S it—-when people bring their ill behaved kids to spaces that are otherwise intended for adults so every single on of these pictures for the past few days has made me cringe in sympathetic annoyance for everyone involved, even the obvious classist types who wouldn't even

i think you guys are misunderstanding. it was very clear to me that he interpreted the dolphin's prolonged interactions with him as demonstrations of consent. that doesn't mean that i don't personally question that idea of consent, because i personally do not think animals can consent to humans, nor do i think consent

To be honest, I actually prefer the anti-choice people who are just flat-out opposed to all abortion. At least these people can pretend to sincerely believe that abortion is straight-up murder and have a justifiable excuse (in their minds) for opposing abortion. Everyone else who is okay with what they ostensibly

BEING sexy past 35 (or 45, or 55) is both terrific and obviously possible. Repeatedly, desperately shouting "LOOKIT ME ACTING SEXY" is barely tolerated in youngsters — I think we give them a pass because we assume they don't know better yet? — but comes off as desperate and annoying for someone of Madonna's history,

Here's what I don't understand… especially even on Deadspin alone. Was the pass call a smart play? No. It wasn't.

90% of murders are committed by men, so clearly the real guide we need is how not to be killed by a man.

Edited to add - the point of this was that I understand how the non-science message that vaccinations will kill your child get into your head. I was absolutely useless after 36 hours of labor + hours of pushing + c-section surgery and still felt I was a failure if my child wasn't sleeping with me, even while my

I'm makin' RIBS muthafuckas!

You bring up a good point about how even an educated, intelligent person can be momentarily swayed by the anti-vaxxer arguments, especially during the pre- and post-natal periods when the entire world feels like it has been turned upside down. I am embarrassed to admit that I read the Dr. Sears book while pregnant

My twins are on the autism spectrum. They are verbal and high functioning so they don't have a lot of the "bad" traits people associate with autism. Still, I get so pissed when people say they don't want vaccines because "Autism!" because they rather risk their kids dying painful deaths then have kids like mine.

lmao this thread

According to that logic a mother who considered abortion (but ultimately decided to have the baby) could be described as unfit.

This entire thing was a joy to behold, thanks!

Weird that this person is exactly as she seemed in her email.

I know it's not a popular opinion here. But if you think that street harassment will stop in a world where women are thought to entertain mostly men with their bodies, where female attractivity is reduced to the body and is served to mostly men on a silver plate, that's simply delusional