I don't know what his politics are but the man clearly knows his snack foods and that is A-OK with this voter.
I'm having a hard time believing the Health Ledger story. Everybody and their mother dressed up as the Joker after Heath Ledger died. I can't imagine the pill bottle would be so shocking.
My mom was/is an artist and art instructor, so growing up, my brother and I had straight BAWSE costumes. In 1985, she made me a complete Darth Vader costume by hand (I was 5), topping it off by paper machet-ing (SP? fuck it) a popcorn bowl to look like Vader's mask. It took her literally a month to create. It's…
It's 2014. We've come a long way as a society. Why are we still making Laffy Taffy?
I think we can handle some element of nuance in talking about awful tragic things that shouldn't ever happen.
Ok, but who among us can truly say they've never wanted to set someone on fire?
The people behind these reality shows are invested in editing out the portions of that reality that are problematic. That only works so long, and then they have a PR crisis.
It's difficult to follow President Barack Obama, but Zach Galifianakis brought out a pretty big star for his…
I can't be the only one who hates potluck. After a certain age, you come to my house, I am going to feed you nicely and have nice drinks, and clean and do the dishes after you leave and that is the point. This summer I was asked to a barbecue where we were told that condiments and ice would be supplied, but to bring…
"You're fat," I shouted. And then I poured the entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide on her head.
"Let's just say that getting used to ignoring your mother-in-law is a skill you can't hone nearly well enough."
The first year of marriage is rough. I spent the majority of the time thinking "Why don't you just go HOME?" And we had even lived together before the actual wedding. I think the other really difficult thing is dealing with extended families for the first time. All of a sudden, I was expected to be places and see…
I mean, these women are at the TOP of their game. They have athletic bodies because they are championship athletes. What fucking kills me is Serena in particular has ass and boobs for days and her body is nothing like a man's. If we were talking about male-type bodies, how about picking on someone like Jessica…
Or, instead of saying "Your time means nothing to me and I have no respect for it," I could just be saying "maybe I'll be a little late; maybe you will be, either one of those is fine." This is how I find most real-world interactions work. Getting hung up on time is so strange to me. I'm talking 5 or 10 minutes in…
I've had to answer this question for a really close friend of mine who's overweight and battles with that and his image on a daily basis. I told him that, "no matter what physical shape you're in, you'll continuously run into problems until you have yourself at least halfway figured out."
I think NAS will have to come…
"It's just a terrible situation," said Jason Luckasevic, a Pittsburgh attorney
Goodell was quick to point out that in addition to the monetary settlement, the former players had already received plaques as well.