Mada Cram Selim

+1 failed US Senate run.

In the long run, we’re all dead;

God dammit! I just finally got out of the grays!!!!!

...look at these people losing their shit over an 8:30 start time. Are you 90 years old?

I guess I’m one of those 20 then.

“An 8:42 start serves who?”

But that would cost MONEY! What do you think NBC is? A national broadcasting company that specializes in TV broadcasts and has a large sports division?

“We’re inclined to agree.”

Larry Fitzgerald’s long TD before Santonio Holmes’s miracle catch in SB43.

After witnessing something astounding like this, I can imagine your brain just sort of turns off and resorts to whatever phrase is easily accessible; I’ll allow it.


UNC players should look at the bright side. It’s not like they have to get back to class this week.

No, but I am getting a real shitty comment vibe.

That’s so cool they made her an honorary Sherriff for the day!

Do we get a lesbian vibe from an openly gay woman? Yeah, we kinda do.

As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.

Making ol’ JR make calls against his favorite college team just ain’t right, man.

Great. All of this is just great.