Shouldn’t running a business also include some heart because, you know, business decisions have the same sort of consequences?
Shouldn’t running a business also include some heart because, you know, business decisions have the same sort of consequences?
I can see why they’re concerned. Wherever Coulter goes, the danger of being crushed by a falling Kansas farmhouse increases exponentially.
We had a Nepalese exchange student at my university last semester. She was convinced that there were no gay people in the whole country. Their population is something like 28 million.
I think comparing people to Pol Pot is severely under used.
But what if the ‘fetus’ it fetches is actually krang?
Sorry! Best gossip today is that my baby is a year old. Too impatient for SNS!
It’s the “his own people” that’s most telling. At a subconscious, gut-belief level, Spicer doesn’t consider Jewish Germans and Austrians to be Germans and Austrians, i.e. Hitler’s people. He considers them wholly Other in a way that is analogous to Hitler’s own Othering of Jews, gays, Communists, dissenters, etc.
Raise them as their own.
Hillary advocated a no fly zone for five years
Earlier this week, “Chained to the Rhythm” singer and shoe salesperson Katy Perry posted a number of unflattering…
Pardon me for saying so, but maybe it really isn’t a good idea to ask teenagers questions about sexuality in a “survey context.” Who the hell believes the survey is really anonymous? For one thing, “anonymous” survey forms are often numbered. (I’ve been asked to “anonymously” fill out numbered survey forms before.)…
If you’re a fan of nerd culture I’m always impressed that Hugo Weaving got to play Agent Smith, Elrond, the Red Skull and Megatron.
He did! He did! He did taw a putty cat!
I’ll get crucified for this but:
While the whitewashing may have been a factor it is not why this movie failed. It failed because it is a piece of shit Hollywood knockoff of the original work that thought it could replicate some scenes from the original and have a built in fan base. They made a movie too niche for general audiences and too…
“Maybe when Meghan is more mature and reads the book she’ll understand. Some of it she won’t like, some of it she might.”
Some celebs (and Russia) wanted to make fools of us today, and that was kind of adorable, but after more than two…
Everyone at my house has to get along, those are the rules.
The only sane reason why this marriage maybe shouldn’t have been allowed is because that’s too much gorgeous for one couple. Leave some for the rest of us dammit.